
Goose Goose Duck is an incredible hidden role game in which you and your fellow geese must complete tasks while trying to figure out who among you are actually ducks. The ducks have infiltrated the group, trying to kill off everyone else without being caught and voted off. This hectic social deduction game is a lot of fun, and you can even play it on your phone.
The Morphling is a duck that can shapeshift into the appearance of any other goose on the map. Just as long as you are not seen making this transformation, no one will suspect it is you.In a game about hidden roles, shapeshifting helps you stay ahead of the crowd. You can frame other players quite easily by pretending to be them. It is risky to play, as others may notice that the real you has not been seen in a while, and realize you must have morphed into someone else. The Morphling is a very strategic role that adds a lot of excitement and variety to your duck tactics.

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