Against the (im)possible odds - Bad 2 Bad Apocalypse Review.

When I first launched Bad 2 Bad Apocalypse I was pretty skeptical, but I forgot I am playing a mobile game in the process. Very well made, no ad interruptions, popups, offers and other stuff interfering with the gameplay. Fun gameplay, good progression and a lot of enemies to kill. Some of them are very tough, so there is a challenge. Lets get into the details!
You start as a single survivor and start exploring the area around you in search of your comrades.  You get exp for killing enemies, so there is a leveling system with some perks that will make you stronger. There is also an option to look containers and houses for equipment and materials.
Game features day and night cycle. During the night enemies spawn on the map, they are more powerful and become aggressive. Game doesnt recommend to wonder around during the night and sleep it out in the base.
Over time you will be able to upgrade the base, rescue teammates and make a squad of 4 characters. Each character have their own specialty, corresponding to the specific weapon. The ones who dont fit your team will chill at the base.
Controls are pretty straightforward and easy to get. I would like to mention that movement stick can be moved partially, so you wont rush and move slow and the fact that you can activate auto firing mode, that will help you to focus on the important things, like kiting enemies.
Progression is very fun, as you progress deeper into the territory enemies will become stronger. In order to be able to fight them you can upgrade the base with the resources you found, craft or upgrade different gear and level up.
The only drawback I could find is the fact that looting containers take too long, so it breaks the fast paced game flow. And if you want to loot everything it will take a long time, so you might have to grind in order to get higher tier equipment.
Gameplay Score: 8/10
For the first 20-30 minutes I was disappointed, since the game was very easy, especially when I got second teammate and our firepower doubled.  Exploring during the night was pretty fun though, since enemy numbers got bigger and they rushed at you. But at a cost of loot, since you most likely will be interrupted most of the time and wont be able to loot anything.
That was until Ive got to lvl 3 area where I almost got my butt kicked. This is where the fun began, with enemies that are harder to kill, equipped with weapons and using special abilities.
So there are defo some areas that feature challenge for the players who seek it. But overall difficulty is pretty easy nevertheless.
Difficulty Score: 4/10
Graphics in the Bad 2 Bad Apocalypse is mostly flat 2d cartoon graphics, but when you play the game, it feels like it fits the setting and gameplay perfectly.
Its really cool that all the equipment you have will appear on the character that equips it. So you can customize your guys the way you feel like.
Overall there isnt much to say about the graphics, it looks good, but doesnt feature anything special..
Graphics Score: 7/10
Sounds and Music
Sounds are very well designed, you have the shots, enemy howls and screams etc.
Bad 2 Bad Apocalypse features pretty good soundtrack, that is easy to the ears and it mixes in with ambient sounds.  When you are in the wilderness you will barely hear music, which adds to the immersion
Neither Music, Ambient sounds or game sounds got annoying while I played a game, thats a good sign.
Sounds and Music Score: 8/10
F2P or P2W
Game is free to download and play. There are no ads, popups, offers or anything to annoy you. You can get some amount of materials in the store for watching ADs (easily farmable, so not necessary at all).
You can also buy some equipment and materials straight away, there you get good rewards, but then again, those are not highest tier equipment, it will get outdated as you progress and you can play without it without any problems.
There are no paywalls of any sorts, at least I havent encountered any so far.
Overall the game is very f2p friendly, totally no need to pay, unless you want to support the developers.
F2P Score: 8/10 - F2P friendly
Overall scores and Conclusion
Gameplay 8/10
Difficulty 4/10
Graphics 7/10
Sounds and BGM 8/10
F2P - 8/10 - F2P Friendly
After playing Bad 2 Bad Apocalypse for a while I feel like I want to play it again. Gameplay is fun, I like to go to challenging areas straight away and farm for loot. I want to go to the map outskirts to see what awaits me there and assault enemy bases to see if I can handle them.
The only drawback is the amount of time you need to open containers, considering the amount of farming you need to do.
Overall score: 9/10
Mentioned games
certainly not a 9/10 , boring repetitive gameplay with very little variation at all between enemies and objectives, no social features at all, just a stale solo experience, I would rate it 5/10
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TapTap Creator
Thanks for you feedback! I actually like that there is no leaderboard and any multiplayer features. It doesnt put pressure on the player, since there is no competition. And I had a feeling that I actually played some indie PC game, not a mobile, which surprised me a lot.
very well written review buddy, thanks to your review I might change my mind and play this game myself
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