Opera GX Has A New Galaga Themed Game??

Opera GX is a gaming related browser built for Gamers. It uses less resources than the likes of Google Chrome and the whole premise of the browser is to tailor to Gamers. As you would probably think this browser has plenty of things regarding video games. That thought process would be absolutely correct, As the app tries to show users upcoming games throughout the days and some devs even make games from the browser. Which will introduce us to todays article about the Galaga Themed game, Super GX UFO.
This story takes place in space. Technologies gone far ahead: instead of cars, everyone buys UFOs. An unknown hacker has created a virus that takes the UFOs under control. For now, most of the UFOs infected... But you! Get to outpost and defend yourself from infected UFOs!"
This game was made for Opera GX GameJam. Now it is completely an original endless game! Although it is endless, you will definitely not get bored since the game has a abundance of different challeges players can indulge themselves into. Fight with a infinite number of enemies. Their Challenge and Enemy variety is amazing!
The way you play is simple you float in space defending against endless enemies trying to get the highest score. The way you fight is what makes this game highly different as the laser gun aims clockwise and counterclockwise and the use of your mouse click can help you aim. It'll definitely take some getting  use to since a format of this nature is definitely new to me, I'm more used to aiming myself.
The challenges is probably the most fun i had actually playing the game as it definitely brings spice and what makes the game different from others just alike. ranging from a new edition of Flappy Bird all the way to crazier challenges using a lot more skill and understanding the aim system even the menu are interactive with the laser gun.
The gameplay is quite simple and can be fun but definitely can get repetitive over time ill eventually get bored and want to play something else. The beating the high score and trying to master every challenge is why ill like to continue playing Super GX UFO.
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