This game is so good I wish they would take my money!
This game is free to play on Iphone and that’s crazy to me. It’s extremely well done in terms of quality and depth. Like even if they charged me $20 to play the game it would be worth it, and yet it’s free to play! There isn’t even any micro transactions!
I’ve been the game for like 200 hours and I swear I was looking for micro transactions so that o could support the devs such that they could make more games. AND THERE WERE NONE!
I do have to say though, there are some bugs that are pretty frustrating. Like certain unlocks are not possible to do the right way on mobile and the game sometimes glitches out. HOWEVER, the game is CONPLETELY FREE, so I’m not even mad when I hit those glitches. The game honestly has less problems that those fucking million dollar cash grabs so yea, highly recommend.
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