Cheval [Flash Party Character Design Submission]

Backstory :
Clad in blue traditional armor, Cheval is a young man wielding a spear with broad blade on his right hand and a slightly shorter spear on his left hand.
He lost someone dear to him in the past. Regretting his weakness to protect that person, he swears to become strong. After years of hard training, he finally became strong and left his hometown to travel around the world to defend the weak and help anyone in need.
Gameplay :
Cheval's weapon of choice is dual spear that allows him to focus on his offensive skills. His gameplay focuses on his fast movement and swift spear combo.
His main attacking method is rapid dual spear thrusts that overwhelms his opponent with fast spear attacks.
His special defensive skill is absolute evasion, makes him able to avoid any kind of attack.
He is able to do spinning movement with his spears that allows him to attack at all directions at once.
His strongest offensive skill is charging towards his opponent with maximum speed to deliver fatal blow with both of his spear.
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