Flash Party Hero Design Contest

[Digital ID] 32143490651
[Name] Mozzie
[Hero Name] Polka-Dot and Squirt
Backstory :
Polka-Dot was a normal girl who was always fascinated by the circus. She loved to tell jokes, play pranks, and make others laugh. Many around her would ostracize her claiming she didn't take her future seriously. That all changed when she meet Squirt. Squirt is a fairy from the Circus Realm. Squirt gave Polka-Dot her powers, making her a magical girl. Together they fight to keep balance to their worlds.
Gameplay :
Squirt acts as a puppet character to Polka-Dot.
When Polka uses certain moves, Squirt will mimic them in their own clownish way. Polka and Squirt's specials have a more direct interaction, such as Polka being able to tell Squirt to stand-by or follow her to allow for better space control while still being influenced by Polka's normals. Polka-Dot's moves interact with each other, for instance up tilt is a move where she attacks above her by blowing into her thumb and airing up the balloon on her back, as you air up her balloon her up special/recovery gets better and covers more distance.
The idea behind Polka-Dot and Squirt is to have a unique character that can set up for near limitless situations. Making her a character that is not only fun to look at but also fun to express yourself and play as.
Mentioned games
Melcutarm@gmail.com Cutarm
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