My flash Party Hero Design 2

ID: 26642780651
Cluckers Qing
He is Cluckers Qing and he come from a monastery named "The Ultimate Chicken Warrior", he have a little family, his wife Karly and his son Cluckers Jr.
Years ago there was a war and during that war "The Ultimate Chicken Warrior" monastery was tottaly destroy; that's the reason why Cluckers Qing decide to join the Flash Party roaster so he may earn some money to re-build "The Ultimate Chicken Warrior" monastery and train the next generations of chicken warrios.
He have a lance so he have range attacks, but the trick here is that is only cover the side of the lance, so he have the ability to aim every attack.
-Normal attacks:
--Normal attack: 3 rappid attacks and the last hit have a decent damage and knock back
--Tilt Down: Performs a quick attack that have a low damage but a lot of knock back
--Tilt Up: A quick attack with a lot of range but small hitbox
--Tilit right/left: frame 2 or 3 attack, if hit in the very top of the lance duplicate the attack and knock back
-Specials Attacks:
--Up Special: He can fly not to high but he can glide
--Side Special: He can throw his lance very far awai with aim, if hits an opponent the lance appear inmediatly, if not may appear in few secconds
--Neutral Special: Counter attack (Yeap is not in the Down Special, is like Peach counter)
--Down especial: If Cluckers is in the air, he go all the way down whith the lance spining arround, but if is in the ground, he jumps diagonaly forward and then he go down
--Super Special:
Cluckers performs "The Ultimate Chicken Warrior" and attack 100 times in a row, no ona can't scape when hits the opponent, the only way to abvoid this is by blocking or dodging, this attack deals 60% damage with a lot of knock back, and it fills up if the opponent blocks the attacks of Cluckers.
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