Room for Improvement ...

I didn't have high hopes for this game but still went ahead and gave it a shot.
Let's start off with the storyline: reminiscent of the search for the 9 Dragon Balls in DBZ, we have Volzerk, a dragon that separated into 10 balls (1 of which was absorbed by our protagonist Fina and the others scattered across the island) after a great battle with another powerful Monster.
Similar to the world of HxH, the island is an enticing mystery to humans from the ccontinent and so they send people to investigate and learn about the creatures that inhabit it.
The prologue didn't do much for me and the premise wasn't exactly inspiring. Just as we're introduced to Volzerk (he battled some evil monster and won but was wounded), we cut to him on the ground in some semi-glade looking to be on the brink of death. Then comes a little girl (Fina) running towards him (how did she find him? Why was she unsupervised and alone? How didn't anyone else see the dragon falling to the ground?) and just as she kneels before him, he peaces out into a ring of dragon balls and disappears.
Fina, our protagonist is downright creepy. She seems to be interested in monsters far beyond what should be normal between human and beast and seems to enjoy getting physically intimate with them in ways that makes everyone uncomfortable.
Perhaps it's because of the translation that is still rough around the edges, or the writing skills of the team behind the game who in an effort to convey Fina's fascination with these creatures, made her come across as a zoophile with an unhealthy obsession instead.
The graphics are okay. More detail could be added to characters and a voice actor for the dialogues (it's weird hearing absolutely nothing, not even background music while everyone makes comical/disturbing facial expressions) to keep players engaged. The landscape is quite bare and so far can't be interacted with (climbing, fruit picking, fishing, etc.) and there isn't any natural fauna and flora to give the game some realism.
The mechanics of the game are bland. You tap your screen to hit monsters and swipe upwards to do a move called Flick. Honestly, the story makes very little sense to me as does the battle mechanics which are very barebones.
To conclude, I regret the time I spent playing and have no intentions of playing in the future. There's room for improvement and I hope that the team looks to games from a similar demographic (Genshin Impact, Tower of Fantasy, etc.) to have an idea of how to polish the story and to make the game more immersive and memorable.
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"You tap your screen to hit monsters and swipe upwards to do a move called flick" You..... didnt play this game for very long, huh? How long did you play? 5mins? or maybe 10? Next time, before writing a review, try playing a bit longer, alright? An hour or 2 at the very least.
I played quite long. Perhaps you should write your own review if you have something to say. :) Imagine having so much time on your hands that you reply to a comment buried and made ages ago. Please find something more productive to do with your life than filling my notifications with your nonsense. Anyways, my review still stands and isn't meant to cover every single aspect of the game which I thought was common sense, but obviously it's not so common for people like you who are eager to be keyboard warriors. A review is meant to narrate your experience with a game including its gameplay, bugs, storyline, etc. All of which I *briefly* touched on. Next time, think before you type and write your own review if you have something new to add about the game. Your response here was a waste of space under my review and an underwhelming reflection of your ability to think. Good day.
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Francis SirLanc
Francis SirLanc
Yo where tf do you get 9 Dragon Balls from DBZ?! there are only 7 dragon balls to summon shenron
7 or 9 doesn't make much of a difference does it? It still doesn't refute my point so I'm not sure why you're getting your panties in a bunch. This was my review after playing it, write your own if you feel differently.
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