Volzerk intro gameplay!!!

This video is just the first part of the game including the intro story (very well animated) and one tutorial battle. Will be posting more at a later date as I don't have much time on my hands ;(.
So played the game for a good 30 minutes so far and I am truly not disappointed and am proud to say that for once all the 5 star ratings on a game are real. Volzerk has an amazingly animated intro to the game which shows you the story plot of the game so you know what you're getting into and I gotta say as an anime lover (weeb) the animation of the cutscenese in this game is so well done so I tip my hat to the animators and developers of this game.
The game really has that breath of the wild, genshin impact or tower of fantasy graphic style which most of us in the mobile gaming community have come to love because of its smoothness and well design especially the animation you get to see when using attacks and exploring different areas to discover new things and I gotta say the graphics are well optimized I mean come on its a mobile game with console level graphics if that ain't great what is??? It runs very smoothly on high settings with very little frame drops that can be fixed by just spinning around to render the area in but so far there's been no issue that I've discovered beside the little heat it causes your phone to generate however that's just one of the basic things these day yknow.
CONTROLS. controls are really smooth you have you joystick to move and then you have swiping to attack and honestly this is new to me but I love it because when in battle you are able to chain attacks for a combo so swiping makes it much better to chain attacks, I can't really explain how but it just feels easier than pressing a button because you have an easier time getting the timing right and there's no chance for a miss-tap of a button. I will say that it would be better if you could swipe of the joystick while moving to evade instead of letting go then swiping, it seems like it would make combat more exciting and intense yknow. Like you'd rush at an enemy then just swosh to the left while it attacks then do a good chain attack on the right or left. I can also honestly say that you do not need to move around the controls to struggle to get that good positioning for each button because there aren't much in the start and I do assume you hnlock separate abilities further so more buttons but for the beginning of the game it's perfect as is.
GAMEPLAY. This game reminds me alot of the mobile game monster hunter stories which is not a bad thing and is more of a good thing because after completing monster hunter stories there really was no other game I could find and play that would give me that great story and gameplay with the swift battle mechanic that had you battle side by side with your partner the way monster hunter stories did (and no pokemon doesn't count). I mean you get to ride your Lil Draco while exploring and battling and it has its headbutt forward stomp kick that send enemies flying hahahaha. I really look forward to playing further to find out if we unlock super moves that has the rider and the partner do like a cool two person combo.
Volzerk has really nice music, it's not to much and not to little its right in that good spot that hypes you up, makes you laugh, makes you focus and relaxes you and they fit the music very nicely into cutscenes especially the sfx for the comedic scenes and I love it because the game has a very very big anime vibe with the silliness of the character to the emotions stickers that pop up on screen (tried screenshotting some to make stickers hehehe) to the vocabulary script it's just done so well and makes you giggle from time to time.
But this is just my first review to the game and hope to post more gameplay for you guys soon but I would recommend getting the game yourself and experiencing its greatness while sipping a good cup of coffee during a cutscene. For my weebo bros out there YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED.
Gg fellow gamers.
Mentioned games
is it multiplayer?
from what I know it's multplayer trading, so you can trade monster but I'm not sure about co op play
King of Pirate
King of Pirate
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