The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure - A FANTASTICLY GORGEOUS JRPG Well Worth Playing

The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure is a JRPG available on Steam and I got to say that I am really enjoying my time in the game.  Gameplay wise you have a team of 4, and the combat is turn based. You can do special moves as well.
The combat is super awesome and I really enjoyed the gameplay. There is a lot of dialogue in the game, but it's nothing new in a JRPG game. I can tell this game is going to be a long one, since I've already played an hour of the game and I'm still in the prologue.
The ultimate skills are bright and flashy and have some pretty cool animations which I really enjoyed. Visually the game is also great looking. With 3D avatars, that while chibi are still very good looking in the design.
And the shadows are great too. Honestly this game is just all kinds of awesome and couldn't find anything I didn't like about it. Overall I'd say that The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure is a well polished JRPG game that I had the pleasure of playing.
The gameplay is fantastic. The banter and overall dialogue is great and Japanese voice acted. While the game is pretty expensive, with a price tag of 39.99USD on Steam, it's a well worth the price, kind of game. I highly suggest you buy it if you're a lover of all things JRPG.
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