Honest Thoughts

First of all, great gameplay. Controls are just fluid and intuitive.
Character voicelines are quite well done, though can use a lot more work. TIMI afterall doesn't lack the money to support that.
I just wish they focus on putting out the other heroes as quickly as possible and worry about monetisation afterwards. What makes this game popular in China afterall, is due to its low skill floor and high skill ceiling. It can be both played for casuals and competitive.
And for those worrying about if they can play this even with a shitty phone and shitty internet, don't worry! I have both, I can say that the gameplay runs smooth. The quality of the graphics don't suffer even when lowered.
Mentioned games
don't try to sweet coat it, it's still a trash game, the only true moba on mobile were vainglory and league of legends other all are just cheap knockoff. waste of time
The "trash" game you are referring to is Top 5 most downloaded game on both Android and iOS, all time. It also has the highest amount of players; both currently playing and number of unique accounts (they know if someone has multiple accounts, smurfs and all that). Not to mention, one of the most consistent competitive leagues (counting all platforms; mobile, PC and console). Also it's not a clone of any sort, League of Legends is owned by the same company behind HoK. They've been borrowing from each other quite a lot. You sound offended/butthurt by the existence of this game. It's fine to have an opinion, but never good to have it at the cost of looking stupid.
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