This is crap about more crap and crap with crap inside obviously these creators are filthy crap assholes they are rotten rats who deserve misery they are useless  Good for nothing you need to improve if you continue like this everyone will hate you besides having much more reviews about this shitty game bad graphics bad mechanics even emily is ugly and nobody wants to see  Not to mention that all the shitty characters that you create are weaker, in addition to the fact that the anime characters are extremely strong and not like this, this deserves all the words that They define failure so update the fucking game fix everything I showed you and be good developers because you'll be broke improve the fucking game because it's frustrating like i hate this fucking game omg even guardian tales has better graphics than you guys smash legends has good mechanics and Crusaders quest give you characters with their weapons which none would do because they are fucking stingy
Mentioned games
Sofi Candy
Sofi Candy
fix smash legends and it is true that crusaders quest gives you characters, I recommend you play it, besides that guardian tales has better graphics than this 💀
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