VoC:TheIsleDragonRoarsChapter0 - An AMAZING Table Top RPG Prequel

VoC:TheIsleDragonRoarsChapter0 is the free prequel to the premium game VoC: The Isle Dragon Roars. The free prequel can be completed in roughly an hour and wow, this was really exciting.
Gameplay wise this is played like a table top card game with crystals and dice of varying sides being rolled for extra damage. You use a item that resembles a chess pawn to move around the map. And the map is laid out with cards that reveal themselves when you move on top of them. You can also fast travel to open faced cards in order to avoid monsters or to just fast travel to places you have been to already.
The game is fully narrated by a Dungeon Master and is done really well. Honestly this game was very impressive and I loved the table top RPG game feel. The game was full of mystery, suspense and comedy and I loved every moment of it. This is a free prequel and isn't needed to play the first game, though it is a nice free introduction to the premium games.
I can't wait to try VoC: The Isle Dragon Roars since the story is very engaging. Visually the game isn't over the top in the graphics department. It's laid out like a table top RPG, so everything is in card form, and with dice and gems as items to use your cards.
The art work however is fantastic. Which isn't surprising considering this is a Square Enix game. So the art work is expected to be top tier, which it most definitely is. I absolutely love the art work and can't wait to see the first premium games art work.
Overall I'd say that VoC:TheIsleDragonRoarsChapter0 is a great introduction to the premium game series and I highly recommend you play it if you want to see what the games are all about. If you are a fan of table top RPG games then I also extremely recommend this. You will not be disappointed at all. I am definitely in love with this and am looking forward to the next chapter.
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I don’t like it
Sora Synn
Sora Synn
TapTap Creator
Sora Synn
Thats fine. Can't please everyone.
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