VoC: The Forsaken Maiden - Still GREAT, But Needs More Than The Same Thing

VoC: The Forsaken Maiden is the next chapter in the premium game series Voice of Cards. Gameplay wise while this game does have a new narrator Game Master, who I did enjoy a lot more than the previous Game Master, I found that majority of the game remained the same, apart from the story, obviously. I was hoping for some differences when compared to the previous games, especially with the combat.
But the combat table is exactly the same, and the combat structure is exactly the same as well. Which, while remaining familiar, it's a bit disappointing that there isn't anything different with the combat system or the combat table. VoC: The Forsaken Maidens structure is exactly the same as the previous versions with nothing really new to bring to this version of the game except for the new Game Master.
As before, the combat will have you using gems to use higher powered cards, and using multi sided dice when it comes to deciding how powerful the attacks are from the powerful cards. You also travel the map in the same way as before. You can fast travel to revealed cards for ease of travel, and you can roam around the undiscovered and open faced cards to grind for experience from fighting monsters as well.
Visually the games art style is as beautiful as before, and while the new party members are different, the people in the towns are the same art work designs as the previous game. The exact same characters in the villages are used once again. I was hoping for some new art work for the characters in the villages. The enemies are different though, so thats something I guess.
Overall I'd say that VoC: The Forsaken Maiden has an interesting new story, but the game is almost the exact same as the previous versions. So don't expect any amazing new changes in either the visuals or the gameplay. You can look forward to a better Game Master however.
I did enjoy their narrations a lot more. But I'd say this sequel is a bit of a disappointment. And not quite what I was looking for. Game is still good however, it's just nothing new.
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