Honest review for PD:CW

I love the PD series and what's better than owning PD1 AND PD2 it's owning PD:CW.
Now the tutorial is quite easy and simple the game teaches you how to move and how to walk, how to mask up, hot to basically everything in the first two PD games.
Graphics are good if you don't own a 1+ N200 like I do if you want higher graphics get an iPhone or a Razer phone or something that can run a game at 95 fps. But with the low-end setting I really enjoy how it functions and how smooth it is.
Gameplay it's like the first two PD games but with new characters and maps you can rob and choose from. Level system is as great as it was the first two you get your EXP from missions, tasks, and heist that you complete.
Lag is something that we all get hit with but bot with this game this depends what internet you have which it will connect you to the best server you have and tries to match it up or maker it better for you or other players.
Frame rate is something I expect to dog on but you might get hit with low frames and a bit of bugs here and there that can affect your game play from a minimum to maximum damage.
But all and all is the game trash no, is the game fire yes. 10/10 would recommend to any PD
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