Skullgirls: Fighting RPG - The Pros and Cons for Fighting Game Fans

Skullgirls: Fighting RPG is a great fighting game with RPG elements and stylish graphics. But should you spend your time on it? Lets take a look?
In this article we will talk about both good and bad sides of Skullgirls: Fighting RPG so you can decide if this is the right game for you.
1. Unique graphics and style
Skullgirls: Fighting RPG distinct cartoonish graphics and really well made animations. Characters have unique design and look amazing. Fighting moves idle movements can be hilarious for some characters.
2. 204 Characters to collect
Yes, you've read this right. There are overall 204 collectible heroes in Skullgirls: Fighting RPG atm. But keep in mind that some of them are variations of the same character. Overall there are 17 unique characters each having anywhere from 6 to 9 variations based on rarity and element
3. A lot of content
Skullgirls: Fighting RPG have 4 Campaigns with 4 Difficulties, Origin stories for characters, special game modes and more. You will have a lot of content to go through and enjoy
4. Different game modes
Skullgirls: Fighting RPG have multiple available game modes to enjoy. Campaign, Events, PvP, Rift Battles, Prize fights are some of those.
1. Premium currency is hard to get
In Skullgirls: Fighting RPG you can get Diamonds for free. Although those options are pretty limited and it takes a while to save up enough for your needs. So f2p players will have hard time farming them.
2. Game controls needs time to get used to
I played fighting games before, so Skullgirls: Fighting RPG controls werent that bad, but sometimes I forget how to make specific move. Using the skill at the right time will get some time to get used too as well. You can get stunlocked by the enemy or juggled in the air, so timings are important as well in both offense and defense.
Verdict. Is Skullgirls: Fighting RPG Good?
Skullgirls: Fighting RPG is a great fighting game with distinct style and fantastic variety of characters. Gameplay is fun, progression is captivating and game leaves you craving for more. I could recommend at least trying it out.
Mentioned games
great review man... play it alot back then.. a very fun game indeed..👍 sadly lots of new games I want to try out
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TapTap Creator
Thanks! Yeah, there are loads of great old and new games out there and just that much time on our hands :)
indeed.. kosh .. you seems legit.. I follow you bro
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