Tainted Grail (First Impressions)

Developer: Questline
Publisher: Awaken Realms
Released: 30 March, 2023
Price: $39 USD
Here's something unique—a return to the simpler, more traditional iterations of vintage video games like Morrowind or even the Gothic series.
Given that the game is still in Early Access, there is still a lot of potential for development, particularly given the numerous problems, such as the lagging and frequent crashes that occur when you attempt to engage in combat or visit a new location. The very fundamental ideas of the game may be improved on.
The developers are the ones who ultimately decide how the game will turn out and whether they really want to make something good or just a shell of a game.
Crashing and comparisons
In the aforementioned video, we demonstrate—or rather, we make an effort to demonstrate—the game's introduction. You speak to a guard while being imprisoned, very akin to how you would be questioned in an elder scrolls game, and then you depart and attempt to flee after being rescued by a stranger.
I wouldn't argue that all of the effects employed in this game are direct copies of those found in Morrowind or Skyrim, especially the attribute system and the lock picking system. Stamina bar, mana bar and health bar as well.
This is alright with me, though they might want to change up the lock picking sections because, when compared side by side, it hits way too close to home.
No serious problems here
The little cinematic introduction and the art-style used were excellent. It looked pretty amazing and, in my opinion, fit the tone the game was aiming to establish.
I would like to see more of this kind of thing in the future, with a heavier focus on the story and perhaps characters along the way, when the game's done.
The world, as small it may be, has a lot of depth to it from what I have recently observed, with the exception of the occasional lag and crashing caused by engaging in combat with adversaries close by or approaching a new area.
Currently feels a bit empty
Even though there are mechanics that let you swim and hold your breath, the environment currently feels a little lifeless because there isn't much to do with the ocean or any body of water surrounding the island you're trapped on.
There also doesn't appear to be any dangers lurking beneath the surface of the water, any hidden caverns, or any hidden treasures on the island itself, either.
However, this could just be because I was spending more time reopening the game than I was really playing the game after the first hour of constant crashes.
The AI is stupid
They act like your average typical AI, they are every easily parried, which deals no damage to yourself while staggering them and can easily be back-stepped.
This can hopefully be adjusted to be better over time, but this is all up to how the developers handle this game as a whole in the long run of Early Access.
It has great potential
I love games like Morrowind and Oblivion. The game's aesthetic fits perfectly.
It's also fun and buggy, like the memories I have of Gothic I and II, but because the game keeps crashing, which is something I almost never experience in video games, I'll have to put it down for a few days in hope the developers fix it. 
If the developers decide to make the required modifications, not only will this demonstrate their initiative but it will also demonstrate their concern for the game they are trying to create and their willingness to their playerbase.
I like what the game has to offer, but there is a lot of work that needs to be done, to fix all of the major flaws and game breaking elements.
When and if this game receives the necessary patch, so that we as players can actually go through more than 10 minutes of gaming before the game crashes completely, I'll follow-up with a more in-depth and full review.
My initial thoughts on this game come to a close with the caveat that, while others may disagree, that is what makes gamers unique. You don't have to share their interests or agree with them and are welcome to critic me on mine.
If you want to catch me on one of my streams or locate me on social media, you may do so at the following locations, I'm always playing something new.
- Pawkt
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