My take on Lost Light!

I've had the luxury of playing both the beta and alpha releases. Personally I liked the beta than the alpha.
For those who don't know of this game and what it's like. This game is inspired by another PC game "Escape From Tarkov". The objective of the game is, You and 5 others (or more) will be placed onto a map along with some other NPC's called "Marauders". The goal of the game is to get loot from around the map and 'Extract' from the map. You can get the loot from either killing players or if you're more of a passive player, you can just go around avoiding others and looting up.
Now after the extraction you are sent to you own personal lobby where you can:
•Customise your character and weapons. 
•Upgrade various items and facilites.
•Go to the store and buy equipment, etc.
•Complete and accept missions assigned by NPC's.
This lobby is where you're prepping for the next battle, you can sell the loot you acquired from the map or keep them, for example you can get lucky and get some expensive and powerful weapons to use.
This is one of the main reasons i like this game, because of the currency system and shows that you need to battle constantly and earn items and loot to survive and get more money.
This much is the basic jist of the game, there are more finer details we won't go into.
Sadly i only got to play the game for less than a month for both alpha and beta versions as there was a server problem between my country and the game, resulting in the game only working on certain days or weeks. And ultimately getting removed from the play store in my country making me unable to play more. I would recommend this game to those who like games with sophistication and those who are into games like Tarkov and others alike. Overall it's a fine game with couple bugs needing fixing. Even if you don't like it from my mediocre explanation of it, try the game out you never know what you may find interesting and invest your time in.
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