A sandbox survival MMO that reminds me of Black Desert Mobile

Dark and Light Mobile is a sandbox survival MMO that reminds me of Black Desert Mobile. It’s visually stunning and features all the exciting aspects of a normal fantasy MMO like gathering resources and quests, but it suffers from a few performance issues and rough edges that make the game feel unfinished. The game has so much potential to become something massive in the future, but it’ll take a while before it reaches that. For now, Dark and Light Mobile is worth some hours of play, but I suggest revisiting it in a few months or years when it’s fully released.
Dark and Light Mobile is currently in its beta testing phase, so a lot of the mechanics, missions, and environmental aspects are still unpolished. But the narrative, voice acting, visuals, and most of the quests seem to be completed. I personally had a fun time navigating Dark and Light Mobile, but it did take a while for me to understand things. The game just plopped me into its world and didn’t really explain objectives clearly. It took me a hot minute to figure out how to build things and where I could harvest berries or find water, but once I got things under control I started having more fun carrying out tasks.
There’s not much beyond quests, harvesting, and building as the game doesn’t expand too much on combat or exploration—well, not from what I’ve played so far. But even after spending over an hour with the game, I can see a lot of potential in it. If you enjoy survival gameplay like me, Dark and Light Mobile will keep you satisfied for a while, but not too long. There are performance issues like lagging, crashing, and freezing which can be frustrating. But if you can get over those issues, Dark and Light Mobile is worth a try, but just don’t expect a lot from it even though it looks freakin’ fantastic.
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nice review, actually.. I downloaded it and played for an hour, the graphics are amazing.. but the requirement to play this game is quite high, even my Poco X3 GT is a bit laggy... but overall is great, just need a better phone to play it...
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Jay Hunter
Jay Hunter
Yeah, the visuals are insane!
Dude its an old pc title and is basically Fantasy-Ark:SE
and its POORLY ported..... and they left the PC version completly broken no updates since 4 yrs
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