Like if Human: Fall Flat was about robbing banks - Filthy Animals: Heist Simulator Quick Review

Play it if you’re looking for a party game. As the title suggests, Filthy Animals: Heist Simulator is a straightforward, cartoonish game about heists. It features some pretty adorable characters and provides lighthearted, enjoyable gameplay. Although it has a few minor issues, Filthy Animals: Heist Simulator is worth playing alone or with friends.
I played Filthy Animals: Heist Simulator for three hours. I got through six missions, with each one lasting anywhere between fifteen to forty minutes. I struggled a lot at the beginning and spent most of my time trying to get through the first two missions, but after I got the hang of things, I started making smooth progress.
• Gameplay. I thoroughly enjoyed all the missions I played in Filthy Animals, even if they were hard to beat. There were tasks I needed to complete like collecting tacos or cash, which provided some form of challenge. But I also enjoyed the simplicity of sneaking around and infiltrating buildings, even though I wasn’t the most discreet robber.
• Characters. There are four primary characters to choose from before every mission, each with their own unique ability (which replenishes by eating tacos or gulping down energy drinks during missions). The crocodile’s ability causes the character to spin, creating a mini cyclone that tears through anything in its path, while the monkey drops electrified banana peels that stun enemies that step on them. These abilities make stealing cash and beating up cops an easy job. I was also charmed by how each character looks like a different adorable animal.
• Music. If there’s one thing that’ll get me moving in a game, it’s great music and Filthy Animals is filled with it. The catchy, disco tunes complemented the chaotic gameplay well and had me pumped about robbing banks.
• Controls. Like Human: Fall Flat, the characters in Filthy Animals are supposed to be hard to control, but it’s way too difficult for me. The controls are very sensitive and finicky to the point that it was extremely frustrating and challenging to grab and fling stuff and even move around in missions.
• No HP meter. In Filthy Animals, cops could stop me from stealing stuff and bonk my head to concuss me. After a few hits, I’d die and revert to a small, feeble form where I needed to go to a toilet to revive myself and become a fully mutated animal again. The problem with this is that there was no way to tell how much health I had or how many more hits from the cops I could take before passing out.
• Tutorial. The tutorial for Filthy Animals felt confusing and could’ve been laid out better. Even though it had everything I needed to know, it didn’t teach me in a straightforward manner. I had to figure out different mechanics by myself and even got confused by some of the controls.
• Weird dialogue. Filthy Animals is filled with a bunch of really bad jokes and unnecessary chatter. It was painful sitting through all the off-putting dialogue Filthy Animals threw at me.
💬 Are you going to play Filthy Animals: Heist Simulator or will you pass on it? Tell me down in the comments!
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