This game is like a TLOZ, but with so many references, mainly pop culture ones, 4-character teams, and a mind blowing lore.
This game has a very generous resource farming system, and a pretty fair gacha system, that it's currency for the pulls (gems), sometimes needs to be spent (not totally ofc) in order to get the desired thing (2-3 multis in most cases).
A pretty much active LiveOps that the game gets something new/different to try out/get every week.
The energy cap is increasable thru coffe grinders and leveling up account to certain levels.
It is possible to reach later worlds of the main story even if you never paid a single penny to the game.
The game has 3 pvp modes: 3 player team v team arena, *arena, and *master arena.
(*Rotate every week), 2 co-op modes: co-op, co-op (defense) that are available from week to week.
It is recommendable to watch community guides or looking out for guides in
Overall, this game, even tho is a gacha game, it really feels like a real and playable one, ofc it has auto/sweeping for farming resources without having to play a level over and over again.
Becoming "competitive" in this game is almost a very tedious progess.
my only advice on spending in this game is:
Know the game first, then start spending if you want but never EVER spend gems to get gold.
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Aryan Kumar
Aryan Kumar
it be better
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