World 16 Reunion Delivers More of What We Love About This Game...

Guardian Tales Recently had its big update which delivers loads of new content to an already popular and successful game. The new update brings world 16 which features many new levels and puzzles for you to solve. Along with more amazing story dialogue that continues to make this game shine. I loved the new puzzles however some felt new, and some did feel recycled in a way. The new boss battles were also fun and felt just right when it came to difficulty. Aside from the new world 16 we also got a new chase hero that is powerful and will have everyone trying to acquire. To help with that the devs are giving players 50 free summons until April 17 so this should help out both new players and old or returning players alike.
There is also a bunch of events going on along with a special rift dungeon. One big bonus is that we have double drop rates in dungeons for currency and evolution stones. This helps players power up those new heroes and experience high level gameplay sooner. Overall, I loved this new update and this game in general. They continue to make this game better and fun. This is a game that keeps you entertained endlessly. I highly suggest you check out the game if your new to it.
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