Had the game for a bit and was supposed to be able to enter for testing but not once have I been able to log in. I've tried multiple times throughout the days(Last few) at various times of the day and only get the 'In Maintenance' message even though many others have been able to play. From the looks alone.. it's another generic gacha style free roam mmorpg using the same ol setup that most mmo's do. The fact that characters can go up to SSR atm seems very skeptical because you just know that it's going to be a wallet warrior style. It seems they are running out money or something because their games lately have just been terrible with too many options to p2w. Back in the day they had tons of players and made bank just by selling avatars(costumes) in their unique games... but now it's just copy/paste style games with multiple ways to spend hundreds if not thousands. It's only my opinion, but Asobimo has been going downhill for years now.
Mentioned games
Hagata Nomura
Hagata Nomura
so basically you couldn't enter the game so you got pissed and vented by saying it's another generic game and proceeded to complain how every other rpg games today are all the same p2w copypaste right? well all I can say is that that's what you'd expect from mobile games
okay kids cut that out, stop arguing like that. you should go to their official twitter (its at the game desc). it says.. Below is the schedule of the next Alpha Test. Date & Time From: 4/17/2023 11:00 JST. Until: 4/17/2023 18:00 JST. now do you understand kids??
Hagata Nomura
Hagata Nomura
does calling people kids make you feel more superior in a way? I mean I don't really care what you do I'm just fascinated by the fact that you think calling people online you have 0 info about "kids" seems to mean that you're degrading them into somewhat inferior people? seems unethical don't you agree?
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Mark Saviors
Mark Saviors
Its not just him mate I too downloaded the game day before yesterday and am getting same message "game is under maintenance plz go back to title" whole day long
Hagata Nomura
Hagata Nomura
that is self explanatory, it's in "maintenance" then that's that, it's either not available in your country and most likely limited to certain reigons which explains why some can play it and some can't... my point is it's plain dumb to vent about how RPGs on mobile sucks but still proceeds to get pissed that they can't play it.
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Pear Yuugure
Pear Yuugure
did u try the game yet thou ?
Hagata Nomura
Hagata Nomura
it seems they don't need to play the game to know it's bad, they just took one look at the maintenance screen and said "yup another p2w copy paste rpg"
Hagata Nomura
Hagata Nomura
it makes sense as long as it's accurate, southeast Asians tend to be rather toxic not only online but in reality, I don't plan to retaliate any further, believe what you believe I realized there's no reasoning with you any further.
does it mean we can play after 17 so after 2 days?
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