A first look at a coming soon game for mobile and PC.
This is in Beta, and so far, I am impressed with the visuals and how it looks on mobile, but at the same time, there are some fixes and updates I hope the developers will go over and fix up.
Today's game we are looking at today is called
Players battle to awaken an ancient land. Become the savior of an unknown land, and revel in a stunning open world! Explore a gigantic world, gather materials, craft weapons, and build a world only you could dream up, but be wary of the threats in the dark!
My Experience:
Dawnlands is an open-world game, and the team who made this defiantly did an excellent job into it but with several issues to point out about the game, such as:
The random inventory was erased entirely...
Which was incredibly frustrating to deal with, but luckily, in the game, you can rebuild everything just upsetting when you make an excellent weapon and suddenly gone
Other than that, the story is decent, visuals are great, but make sure to go into the settings at a lower bit so you only have some of the ground invisible.
There is a tier crafting system:
There will be more of these down the road, but luckily some of the materials to create weapons are easy to acquire.
Another thing I hope the dev team works on is the combat... The action is slow and abit dull when fighting tons of enemies. They should make better sword motions or give options for starting weapons to provide more customization to the game.
Pros and Cons of Dawnland:
Visuals are amazing
Character Creator has alot of options
Decent Story
Materials are easy to find
Very Laggy at times
Combat is abit dull
Weapon Selection, in the beginning, would be helpful
Random Inventory wipe
Final thoughts
As visually impressive as Dawlnads is, I can already tell that when this game is fully released, there will be alot of possible spam ads. Premium armor/weapons will be expensive.
But overall, this has tons of potential to be something enjoyable! Hopefully, there will be alot of fixes and updates.
Keep an eye out for Dawlands for both PC and Android.
Mentioned games
its good but kinda clungcy hope it will be more smoother to control, and optimize on global release
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