I played this game when it first came out on the play store and it was very beautiful, you leveled up the character in the dungeon and there was more variety, there was multiplayer everything and there were many things,But now there is nothing of what I had known some
1 Cons: Some hitboxes are badly programmed so they can hit you even if you move about 2 squares away.
2: The multiplayer opened many doors to play with friends and make very good combinations to have fun
3: something that I am hating is that to change an element you must have a wand with that element you cannot change the element of the wand outside the dungeon (formerly they gave you 1 element *Earth, air, water, fire, darkness, etc. but now I can't change the elements but I have to get a wand to make the change something I didn't like
4 if you are going to do a challenge and you have half life, entering the challenge you only appear with the life you had in the lobby, it does not regenerate so you have to be careful
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Great Celestial Gamer
Great Celestial Gamer
the game is different because it is not the same game. The old game was removed, and I believe the severs were shut down. this game may have been better in the past but someone brought this game back from the dead so I would say its better than nothing
Legion of monster's
Legion of monster's
yeah, but I would have preferred it if it had taken 3 or 5 years to release it as it really was in its old form and not the problems it has and persist
do you know, how can I turn on multiplayer now pls?
Legion of monster's
Legion of monster's
I think multiplayer can only be done locally because not many people know about it online.
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Vyctor Hugo Marques Cabral
Vyctor Hugo Marques Cabral
is there any wiki/fandom for this game ?
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