Epic 7: 2 Electric Boogaloo

Can't review it without comparing it to Epic 7 since it's the same publisher and mechanics but yeah, it's like Epic 7 but 3D. It mostly uses the same mechanics as E7 such as turn based battle, speed system, ignition ability etc you get it. One refreshing thing is that it's smooth as butter. If you've played Neural Cloud, you probably notice how smooth it is. Well, this one is the same if not better. Not much loading times too. The character designs are ok i guess. A lot of generic fantasy sexy body kind of design but there are also some unique ones. Ratio between male to female characters are off by a lot but it's understandable. Gacha is 2% for 3 star if I'm not mistakes which is not bad. Not sure how much is pity but it's there. They also give free infinite rerolls like E7. Assuming it's the same as E7, most units would probably be relevant regardless if stars which is good. And again, like E7, while dupes can contribute to extra stats, it's not exactly must have.
TLDR; It's Epic 7: 2. If you like E7, give this one a try.
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