Global Beta Updates

Dear Players,
We've seen a lot together during this test. The new map Armory tore us up and spit us out. New events sent us hunting for gold and chasing Porrero across the Dark Zone. You might have even made a friend or two along the way. It couldn't have been done without you! The feedback we've received during the test will only make Arena Breakout better. From the matchmaking to the anti-cheat, the next time you see us, we're going to be in tip-top shape. Thanks to you, we've put the pedal to the metal on getting our kill cam and improved audio features ready.
We're proud to invite you all to join in the next phase of testing, where we're bringing female operators into the Dark Zone, new weapons, new modes, and more!
We will stop the current version's matchmaking on May 8, 23:00 (UTC+0), and on May 9, 00:00 (UTC+0) close the server and delete all testing data.
Following that, we plan to update to the next version of the game and open servers on May 9, 10:00 (UTC+0). These times are all subject to change.
After updating, players will be able to download the latest version from Google Play or our official website If Google Play hasn't updated yet, make sure you're in our testing regions for this beta test. Take note: this test will also be a data deletion test. None of your data or character progression will be carried over after the test ends.
For all of you who have been with us throughout the last two months, we've already prepared a gift so you can jump right back into the action. Enjoy a special Koen pack and XP card to boost you through Arena Breakout's early levels.
Update Time: May 8, 23:00 to May 9, 10:00 (UTC+0)
Please note: This beta test is a data-deletion test. None of your progress will be carried over once the test is completed!
Here's a peek at what's new in the coming update. All dates and times are UTC+0.
Female Characters
More customization options allow players to create female characters. You can change your character from the customize option in the main menu.
Air Drop Incoming
Event Time: May 13, 05:00 to May 14 05:00
Keep an eye out for air drops in Farm Lockdown, Valley, and Northridge for a surprise from the sky.
Challenge Missions
Event Time: May 9, 05:00 to May 25, 05:00
Complete missions to get extra rewards.
Login rewards are available throughout the whole test. Use your email to register, or link your email to your account, for bonus Koen and storage!
New Features
1. Trophy Room: A personal space to show off to your friends and bask in your own glory. Display collectibles, weapons, badges, and more.
2. Death Cam: Watch yourself die twice and learn from your enemies, or help fight the good fight and report suspicious activity.
3. Team Lending: Sharing is caring. Give your squad a helping hand with shared supplies.
4. Custom Quick Chat: Choose the voice commands you want in the customize menu.
5. Quick Equip: Gear up faster than ever and get your ass in the Dark Zone with the quick equip system.
6. Armor case storage allows rolled up equipment now.
7. Bundle Quick Equip: Full Bundles now support instant equipping; this also automatically loads ammo from the bundle into the magazine
8. Added a sprint shake function in Settings, where you can adjust the intensity of the camera shake when your character sprints
9. Some weapon attachments now modify quiet walk movement speed, reload speed, sprint speed, mobile hip-fire stability, and other values when the weapon is equipped
10. Ergonomic value now influences weapon switch and peeking speed
11. Taking meds and opening/searching containers makes noise
12. Added new interactions, such as ""climb ladder
13. Added a refrigerator to some areas
14. Different ranks of dog tag now differ in appearance and value
15. Added manufacturer brands to weapon details
16. Adjusted the standard price of some keys, provisions, and other items
17. Added a Quick Sell function for contacts in the Covert Ops retrieval screen
18. Increase Friendship between you and your friends
19. Changed scoring to award points after a match based on four areas of performance: combat, searching, cooperation, and exploration
20. Added a new personal file, Rating History
21. Added a team comment function, which allows you to leave anonymous feedback on teammate performance at the end of a match
22. Added a new personal file, Teammate Comments
23. New Dark Zone supplies marker, used to differentiate supplies found during a raid rather than supplies brought in by other players
24. Added the ability to tap the market price range and choose a listing price within the available range
25. Added a new filter function when buying weapons in the Market
26. Added the ability to inspect your weapon while sprinting
27. The supplies retrieval screen now supports single item sales with contacts
28. The supplies retrieval screen now has a Roll Up function
29. Added support for adjusting voice chat room and teammate volume outside of matches
30. You can now view Battle Stats by season in your personal info
31. Improved tutorial gameplay experience
32. Adjusted the data displayed in rank history
33. Improved the sold-out effect to make it more obvious when an item is unavailable
34. Added the option to turn on the double tap sprint function in Settings (off by default)
35. When multiple bullets are dropped on the map, they will now be shown as an ammo case
36. Adjusted the default positions of the backpack and map buttons on the HUD, making them easier to use
37. Removed the inspect button from the wheel and added a separate inspect button on the HUD
38. Most of the options in Settings now support cloud synchronization
39. Improved the map selection process
40. Improved build calculation for equipment value in Storage, taking durability into account
41. Elimination Reports: Opponents' injury pages now display elimination time and status (survived/eliminated/defeated)
New Weapons:
1. Welcome the M24 bolt-action sniper, SPR310 shotgun, SVTU carbine, and F57 pistol to your arsenal.
2. T-13 Shock Grenade, which explodes upon impact, and increased gas mask durability.
New Attachments:
A batch of 2-3x sights, offset sights, collapsable scopes, and muzzles are ready for you to gunsmith.
Ranked & General Improvements
1. Added a Ranked Shop, where players can exchange points earned in ranked matches for rare supplies.
2. Naked players (you know, the knife guys who play zero-to-hero) or other players with low Merit won't be auto-matched.
3. Solo players matched into a squad will automatically form a team after the end of the raid. It's dangerous to go alone!
4. Audio-visualization performance got a big upgrade across the board, including the personal sound gauge, 360-degree soundprints, and arrow indicators.
5. Damage direction indicators are more accurate.
6. Better matchmaking in general and player distribution algorithms.
7. Required some ranks to enter Lockdown mode in order to get rank points.
8. Added a big button control scheme for those rhino hands out there.
9. Revamped the tutorial and main missions.
10. Added teammate volume controls.
11. Added some information about the manufacturer of each weapon.
12. Player dog tags will change based on their rank, with different Koen values for higher ranks.
Environmental Improvements
1. Added a refrigerator to some areas. Open one up and grab a snack, but close it when you're done.
2. Increased the randomness of extraction point availability, creating more varied route possibilities.
3. Adjusted extraction point conditions and requirements.
4. Expanded the second floor area of the Northridge Dam and the corresponding extraction conditions. Added an Observation Deck extraction point.
5. Adjusted and opened new watchtowers in Valley, Northridge, and Armory.
Audio Improvements
1. Adjusted how far the sound of footsteps travel depending on the floor material.
2. Increased how far sound travels through undergrowth.
3. Increased how far sound travels when you open doors.
4. Turning around in place now makes footstep sounds.
5. If you turn around while in brush, you will now make noise.
Balance Adjustments
1. Greatly increased weapon power and rate of fire for the SVDS
2. Reduced hip-fire stability for the FAL from 65 to 55
3. Slightly reduced the effect of high hip-fire stability values
4. Reduced the speed of raising your weapon when ergonomics are low
5. Increased reload speed for the MPX
6. Improved the M110's 20-round quick magazine change and magazine check speed
7. Slightly adjusted VSS recoil
8. Adjusted how weapons and armor affect movement speed
9. Improved suppressor stats at different levels
10. Greatly increased movement speed while quiet walking
11. Reduced the distance that sound carries while standing and quiet walking
12. Adjusted the extent to which weight affects acceleration when walking and sprinting
13. Increased the speed at which weapons switch to throwables, and reduced the time you must wait to perform other actions after throwing grenades
14. Slightly increased the effective range and duration of the M84 flashbang
15. Greatly intensified the tinnitus effect produced by Z3 stun grenades, and slightly increased their effective range
16. Slightly extended the duration of the Molotov cocktail, and slightly increased its effective range
17. The interval between each jump is now related to the height of the last fall
18. Increased the negative impact of sprinting and jumping on hip fire accuracy
19. Improved performance of bullets penetrating wooden doors
20. Adjusted stamina recovery from food and drink items such as taurine drinks, biscuits, etc
21. Enhanced treatment efficiency of medkits, but treating wounds now costs more durability
22. Slightly reduced the damage, tinnitus, and slowing of the GHO-2 offensive grenade, reduced its max range, slightly reduced max damage range, and increased its weight
23. Teammates without a primary weapon, with insufficient ammo, or with a low Merit Score cannot use Auto-match to match into a squad
24. Got rid of the Nebulizer's stimulated effect
25. Slightly reduced the M67's armor piercing ability
26. Slightly increased the MKII's armor piercing ability
27. Added a tinnitus function to the M84 flashbang
28. Adjusted duration and attenuation of tinnitus time for all tactical items to make them more reasonable
29. Slightly reduced duration of tinnitus and slow caused by GHO-2 offensive grenades
30. Redesigned the recoil effect of weapon fire (how much the weapon shakes when firing)
31. Improved performance when switching between melee weapons and firearms
32. Improved camera performance when switching melee weapons
33. Improved character sprint movement
34. Improved 3rd person animation performance of characters using throwables
35. After using a throwable, you can now tap the primary weapon bar to quick switch to your primary weapon (previously, you could only switch to your next throwable by default)
36. Improved trigger judgment when character is jumping and climbing
37. Adjusted characters' sideways movement range to make it consistent with the 1st person view
38. Improved performance when climbing stairs
39. Improved Molotov cocktail's burning effect
40. Improved inspection animations for some weapons
41. Improved the light exposure effect when switching to thermal imaging sights
42. New thermal imaging sights can be switched to low-magnification
43. Improved scale performance of high-power scopes, increasing sensitivity and realism when firing and moving
44. Adjusted weapon recoil (vibration when firing) for the M4A1 and H416
45. Adjusted vertical recoil control of 762x51mm caliber ammo for the M80, M62, and M61
46. Slightly reduced G18c rate of fire
47. Adjusted hip-fire stability and firing power of the M4A1 and H416
48. Adjusted firing power of the F2000
49. Improved range and recoil control on the MP9
50. Adjusted the sprint cooldown times after firing different weapons
51. Shortened firing interval of the M16's 3-round burst
52. Adjusted characters' sideways width so that the exposed parts are more consistent with the 1st person view
53. Adjusted conditions for triggering climbing and jumping to reduce accidental use
54. Improved sprinting while holding long weapons
55. Slightly increased effective range of tear gas
56. Added a new graphic when a helmet successfully resists bullets
57. Improved the lens effect of certain scopes
58. Slightly tweaked the base damage of melee weapons
59. Wound mechanics adjusted: Wounds now cause undamaged parts to lose HP as well
60. Slightly reduced the armor piercing ability of armor-piercing slugs
61. Improved the field of view for certain scopes
62. Readjusted how ergonomic stats affect weapon switch speed
63. Adjusted retrieval cost of some items
64. Improved ADS speed penalties of some scopes
65. Weakened lasers' enhanced ability to disperse shotgun bullets
Repairs and Optimizations
1. Improved overall performance to reduce stuttering
2. Fixed the ADS error on the UMP45
3. Fixed the problem where characters would climb while standing still
4. Fixed the problem where characters would get stuck in buildings
5. Improved waveform visuals for audio visualization
6. Fixed the mismatch between weapons and ammunition in the post-match elimination list
Returner Rewards
If you registered a character in the previous closed beta test (Feb. 17 – May 8), then you count as a Returner.
1. Within the first week of the new version being released (May 9 – May 15), make sure you create your character using the same account you used during the beta test (guest accounts are not supported; only accounts using Facebook, Google, Apple ID, or email). The amount of XP you accumulated during the beta test will be automatically awarded to your new character. We have also prepared the following rewards for Returners:
a) Storage Value Rebate: You will receive a Koen rebate based on your highest storage value on any single day during the beta. If your highest storage value on a single day was...
Less than or equal to 200K, you will receive 50,000 Koen.
Greater than 200K and less than or equal to 500K, you will receive 100,000 Koen.
Greater than 500K and less than or equal to 1M, you will receive 200,000 Koen.
Greater than 1M and less than or equal to 2M, you will receive 300,000 Koen.
Greater than 2M and less than or equal to 4M, you will receive 500,000 Koen.
Greater than 4M, you will receive 800,000 Koen.
b) Returner Level Rewards:
The following rewards will be issued based on your character's level during the beta. If your character was...
Lv. 9 or below, you will receive 50,000 Koen.
Lv. 10–19, you will receive 100,000 Koen.
Lv. 20–24, you will receive a random Class IV Full Bundle.
Lv. 25–29, you will receive an M4A1 Full Bundle.
Lv. 30, you will receive a random Class V Full Bundle.
The above rewards are only valid if you created a character using the same account you used for the beta within the first week (May 9 – May 15) of the new version's release (guest accounts are not supported, only accounts using Facebook, Google, Apple ID, or email). Rewards will be sent via in-game mail within 24 hours of character registration.
2. During weeks 2–3 of the new version (May 16 – May 29), Returners will receive 50,000 Koen and a random Class IV Full Bundle.
3. During week 4 of the new version (May 30 – Jun. 5), Returners will receive 200,000 Koen and a random Class IV Full Bundle.
Rewards for weeks 2–4 of the new version will be issued at 05:00 (UTC+0) daily. Please be patient, as there may be delays in receiving your rewards due to player traffic. If you register your account after the day's rewards have been issued, please claim your reward via mail the following day.
Login Methods
Players can log in using their Google account (or Apple account on iOS), Facebook, Level Infinite Pass, or guest login.
Please note: Previous email logins can use Level Infinite to log in! If you already had a Level Infinite account, then use your password for that account. If you did not make a Level Infinite account, then you can simply use your original email account's password to log in.
Link Email for a Reward
We're opening up the email linking system during this test, so any time after May 9 you can link your account using your email. If you logged in with Facebook or a guest account, you can link your email using the Level Infinite Pass system, which will allow you to log in using your email in the future. Players who choose to link will get an exclusive reward!
Supported Languages
In addition to English, Spanish, Portueguese (BR), Indonesian, Japanese, Russian, and Turkish, the latest update will also support Traditional Chinese, Arabic, Korean, and Thai.
Test Regions
During the testing period, Arena Breakout will be open to Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, the Philippines, The United Kingdom, The United States, Brazil, Indonesia, and Japan, with two new regions added: Thailand and Türkiye. Players should download the latest version via Google Play in any of the above regions, or via the official website.
Mission Reset Times
All mission and event times are based in UTC+0 and will refresh at 05:00 daily.
Map Unlock Requirements
Farm: Lv. 1
Valley: Lv. 8
Northridge: Lv. 12
Farm Lockdown: Lv. 14
Armory: Lv. 16
1. This closed beta test is a data-deletion test, meaning that your game data will be deleted after the test ends. The purchase feature will not be available during the test period.
2. All beta content is still in development and does not represent the final quality of the game.
3. If you encounter issues such as device overheating or app stuttering during the test, go to Settings - Graphics and change to a lower graphics settings and frame rate. This may help with the issue. You may also wish to switch to the Lite version of the game instead.
4. We may make changes to test content depending on test progress or specific circumstances and, if issues are encountered, carry out emergency maintenance, including but not limited to server shutdowns and updating the game client. If you encounter any problems during the test, please leave us feedback via our official Discord channel or official website. We will look into it and get back to you as soon as possible.
See you in the Dark Zone, operators.
The Arena Breakout Team
Mentioned games
No iOS needed keep it
Hillo iam beta tester many player have update to next beta cbt3 until now i donot git it i wonder why i havenot the update yet
Can iOS be downloaded?
Can iOS be downloaded?
Can iOS be downloaded?
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