Continental Chronicles of Novusaes: History of Orc Race

Like humans and elves, the Nlaeya was an ancient race that lived in the Old World and, together with them, survived the destruction of the Old World and came to Novusaes with the Great Migration. The Nlaeyans were rugged and savage by nature, and their two huge canines protruding from their jaws were the most important feature, which was why they were also called "orcs" by humans and elves. This name has survived from the Old World to Novusaes, where the word “Nlaeyans” was rarely used.
The vast majority of orcs was trained for battle from an early age. They were fierce, bloodthirsty and battle-hardened, and their large, muscular bodies made them natural warriors. Like the elves, they were also a nature-friendly race, skilful in sorcery and animal taming. Compared with elves, orcs were more keen at taming beasts, and were particularly adept at turning ferocious wolves into their mounts and pets. The fierce wolf riders became the backbone of almost every army in the north.
Most orcs live in the forest in clans and live by fishing and hunting. When they were short of resources, they plundered for materials and food, and thus blackened their name, which was the reason other races kept away from them. There were some orcs who chose to integrate into human society and tried to communicate with other races in a gentle way, but the negative perception of orcs was so ingrained that they had to toil to support their life, and often charge as a soldier at the front lines of battlefield. Only in the Kingdom of Nortouahe did orcs have equal status in society, and together with the elves they guarded their own lands. Just like the Wynern Riders, the fast and destructive Wolven Knights were the core strength of the border guard.
Orc Representative: Apata Burungba Falogos
Apata, a Nortouahen, came from the Burungba clan of the Bradam Forest, originally an ordinary member of an orc clan. Young and reckless, he was passionate about everything, but sometimes too impulsive, and finally he got himself involved in a confrontation between the clan leaders and paid a huge price for it.
To atone for the mistake he made, he joined the kingdom's army and fought bravely in every battle, but was captured and made a war slave as a result. This painful period left Apata with scars and indelible pain, which gradually made him silent. 
Later, Apata befriended Wade and saw in Wade's philosophy the hope of freeing himself, eventually becoming a member of the Hyena Mercenaries and guarding his fellow soldiers as the captain of guard.
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