i saw a review that they nerf the combat gameplay to make it easier for the casuals.
Kinda make the whole title of the game look retarded.
I saw a gacha, so hard pass...
I have a lot of gacha games to deal with.
I can tell this game wouldn't last long with how they dumb down the combat system (what dmc fans loves).
I might be wrong but still...
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tgi mgic
tgi mgic
not only nerf the combat system also remove many weapon and add too many shit like similar to weapon run lvl effect.that so unnecessary in dmc. in my option DMC for hardcore action player just nedd some reasonable DPS now if you level high just press attack.graphic is much better than v1 but not smooth at all hard to Dodge I like ideas of switch character but not like that each character must have full combat system and weapon and no need 3peiple just 2is more than enough if it is going like that this game is more attractive than DMC 5
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