City of Beats (First Impressions)

Developer: Torchedhill
Publisher: Freedom Games
Released: May 1st, 2023
Price: $20 USD
A game that tackles a lot of my fancies in a few genres. Those being bullet hell, rhythm, and the roguelike components, that often times come off as shallow.
There is so much to enjoy and cherish about this game that sprang out of nowhere. It seems fresh and new while also being the same type of roguelike that we've all grown accustomed to in recent years, without being too stale.
While the game is neither overly complex nor overly simple. It provides a great couple of hours of challenging and engaging bullet hell rhythm so far.
Fast paced & fun
Aside from how to dodge, shoot, and play the game as a whole, there isn't much in the way of tutorials in the game. That's excellent because the sooner you get into the game, the less the game needs to hold our hand and get in our way.
It is your responsibility to shut down the shells in each district. While playing the all-too-familiar branching paths gameplay inspired by Slay The Spire. However, rather than being the same rehashed content, it is fresh and new.
First impressions are important a player, whether through visuals, gameplay, or even story-writing, if a game has none then it's hard to keep a player base.
The game performs an excellent job of displaying both the game's visual aspect, which is of a cyberpunk futuristic design, and the game's rhythmic aspect.
So well that it appears to be smooth and faultless in many areas, with very little room for improvement outside of the desire for a few more weapons or classes.
A very well done game so far
There are numerous conversations to be had with the occupants of the hub station, as well as unlocks and weapons to be discovered.
I believe that this game will keep those occupied for a minimum or maximum of 5-10 hours before moving on to other adventures. However, for the price that they are asking, this is a very reasonable thing to expect with the replay value.
My initial thoughts on this game come to a close with the caveat that, while others may disagree, that is what makes gamers unique. You don't have to share their interests or agree with them and are welcome to critic me on mine.
If you want to catch me on one of my streams or locate me on social media, you may do so at the following locations, I'm always playing something new.
- Pawkt
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