ATSS2:TPS/FPS Gun Shooter Game Animal Friends characters coming this week

Coyote: The coyote is a fast and agile animal that excels at running and dodging. Its ability allows it to briefly become invisible, making it hard for enemies to spot and attack.Moose: The moose is a large and sturdy animal that can take a lot of damage. Its ability allows it to charge forward, knocking back enemies and dealing damage.
Rabbit: The rabbit is a small and nimble animal that can jump high and move quickly. Its ability allows it to create decoys, confusing enemies and allowing the rabbit to escape.
Fox: The fox is a sneaky and cunning animal that can hide in shadows and sneak up on enemies. Its ability allows it to create illusions, confusing enemies and allowing the fox to attack from unexpected angles.
Bear: The bear is a tough and powerful animal that can deal a lot of damage. Its ability allows it to go into a rage mode, increasing its damage output and making it harder to kill.Deer: The deer is a graceful and elegant animal that can move quickly and jump high. Its ability allows it to run faster and jump higher, making it harder for enemies to catch and hit.
Each of these Animal Friends characters comes with unique animations that showcase their personalities and abilities. They can be purchased in the game and used as companions for the player character throughout the gameplay. In addition to providing companionship, these characters offer unique bonuses and abilities that can help the player in combat. With their varied strengths and abilities, the Animal Friends characters offer a fun and engaging addition to the game.
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