I can say honestly that the vibe from a quick glance could be mistaken as CODCOPY, however after just the short time I was able to access the game and jump right into some what I would consider high adrenaline mobile gaming... which is as yall should know can't be always on point... as we seen this year a lot of prospering mobile heat end up getting cut before or shortly after release time. Now the excuses are all financial issues from I've assessed. However I see this as a new competitor come to challenge COD mobile /war zone and that's the perfect fire I believe cod and other upcoming competitive mobile games get a move on and bury the excuses cause no matter what you say negatively about the game the facts are it's optimized, the gun game play is exciting and it is one of my favorite mobile shooters to date... now I'm not sure if the global release has yet to happen or what but the last few times I wanted to jump in a match it wouldn't allow past the title menu, so I'm guess it's still polishing the last bit of kinks and soon it'll be open again for good.
Mentioned games
still maintenance?
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