TMNT Splintered Fate: The Good, the Bad, and the Shell-Shocked

TMNT Splintered Fate is a roguelite mobile game featuring the iconic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In the game, players take control of their favorite characters and battle their way through randomly generated levels, upgrading their abilities along the way. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of TMNT Splintered Fate, providing insights into the game's strengths and weaknesses.
1. Good Graphics
TMNT Splintered Fate features impressive graphics for a mobile game, capturing the look and feel of the beloved franchise. The character models, environments, and animations are all well-designed and visually appealing.
2. Co-op Mode
One of the standout features of the game is its co-op mode, allowing players to team up with friends and tackle the game's challenges together. This adds an extra layer of fun and camaraderie to the gameplay experience.
3. TMNT Vibe
The game successfully captures the essence of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, with familiar characters, enemies, and locations that fans will appreciate. The game's music and sound effects also contribute to the nostalgic TMNT atmosphere.
1. Sloppy Controls
Some players have reported issues with the game's controls, finding them to be unresponsive or inaccurate at times. This can lead to frustrating gameplay experiences, especially during fast-paced action sequences.
2. Shallow Progression
While the game features a progression system for upgrading skills and characters, some players may find it to be a bit shallow or lacking in depth. This can lead to a sense of repetitiveness or lack of variety in the gameplay.
Conclusion. Is TMNT Splintered Fate Good?
TMNT Splintered Fate is a visually impressive and engaging roguelite mobile game that will appeal to fans of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise. With its co-op mode and nostalgic TMNT vibe, the game offers a fun and action-packed experience. However, some players may find the game's controls and progression system to be lacking, detracting from the overall gameplay experience. Despite these shortcomings, TMNT Splintered Fate is worth a try for fans of the series and those looking for a challenging roguelite experience on mobile devices.
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carlos martins
carlos martins
Sincerely? The pros of the game did nothing for me as a "game". Graphic? I'm not bothered. Coop? Well, I hate people close to me or anywhere... Nostalgia? Probably the only thing to take advantage of. And probably the only reason to play.
TapTap Creator
Each to his own. Its a pretty good roguelite game, gives me Hades vibes but with less comfortable controls
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