Dark and Light mobile-A Great Tank for Beginners!

When players reach a certain level, you will start to challenge the three main camps. New players will find that the elite creatures in the camp are strong and of high HP. It is difficult to kill them alone.
At this time, a cost-effective tank pet is very important. Here I introduce to you our great pet for new players, “Long-horned Shield Rhino”.
The Long-horned Shield Rhino is a relatively common herbivore on the grassland. They move slower than any other herbivores, but their thick armors and sharp bone horns on their heads help them to fight back when they are in danger.
Since the Long-horned Shield Rhino is a social creature, there are certain risks when taming them, but their productivity is very impressive, especially when you use them to cut trees.
Pet Name: Long-horned Shield Rhino
Star Rating: ★★
Main Attribute: Physique, Strength
Recommended weapon: Hunting Fork +2
When in the hostile state, it has the characteristics of Rock Skin, Hulky, Shield, Penetration Invulnerability, and Evisceration Invulnerability.
Its evisceration resistance can reach 80% and penetration resistance 30%, which means that using club can deal a restraining blow damage to it.
Players can find that shield rhinos forage with their babies, but it’s not capable to capture a baby at this stage.
When it’s killed, players can get steak and hide of the long-horned shield rhino by gathering. The hide can be used to unlock skills, and the steak can be used as an advanced feed to craft Wyvern.
About its skills:
Gathering: When riding shield rhino, players can get a large number of woods and kinds of fruits, and getting over 10,000 woods would be a piece of cake.
Penetration Resistance: It makes shield rhino can better resist damage and make rooms for players to deal damage when challenging grove keeper camp.
Blow Mastery: You need to prioritize lightning random skill Blow Mastery, if you want it to be both an attacker and a tank at the early-stage camp exploration.
Dispatching: Despatching it to the mini resource world can produce wooden board. Wooden board is an extremely useful material at the mid and late game stage. It is suggested that players should get it among random skills.
Last, a good enough shield rhino can even help us in challenging “Silvermoon Brotherhood”, and the evisceration and penetration damage are totally useless to its strong defense.
So, what are you waiting for?
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