Zombie Forest 3: Underground - An ENTERTAINING Zombie Survival Game

Zombie Forest 3 is a survival zombie game that I had the pleasure to try out recently. This game begins with having you create your character. The character creator is fairly minimal, but it's enough to create a somewhat unique character to begin with. You also start off in your underwear, so you truly begin this game without anything to your name.
Story wise there isn't much to go on, you begin in a short cinematic that has you running in the woods at night trying to escape the zombies that are surrounding you, and you eventually stumble upon a cottage with a trap door.
When you head down the trap door you discover an underground shelter, already furnished with a bed, shower, toilet and even a generator. And this is the start of your journey in this game. The gameplay itself has you searching the radio for signals of new locations to visit. The further the distance, the more time it will take on your daily time allowance.
This can be shortened if you have a vehicle, but in the early days you will not have such a convenience, so if you go to the far out regions, try to make the scavenging count, because it's probably the only place you can visit for the day. After you have finished scavenging as much items as you can from the locations you explore during the day, you then can create base defenses for the night. As long as you have the materials from your scavenging.
Finding the metal bars to make bear traps took me a while, and for the first few nights I had to make do with just wooden spikes protecting me at night. These of course have to be repaired in the morning. Your character will also level up from completing various tasks in the game, and I think from killing zombies too. Since every time I came back from a scavenging run, and had killed majority of the zombies, I had several levels worth of points to put in to enhance my character. And yes, thats right, you can not only level up in this game, but you also get points to allocate to your character to strengthen them too.
So over time you will get stronger when you go out into the world. Combat wise, I found it was pretty straight forward. I found that I was able to do a couple quick jabs with my dagger, or the shovel I found later, and then move back a few steps in order to avoid most damage, and then wait for them to get closer and then hit them a few more times, and just rinse and repeat this procedure for all the zombies.
I wouldn't say it's the most intense combat in the game, but you still have to be wary of getting swarmed, one or two can be handled okay, but if more than that start to follow you, you have to try adjust and fight the ones that are faster than the others. Not the most exciting combat, and it can get pretty dull if you're playing it safe, but at least there is some form of combat I guess. The visuals in this game aren't exactly the most exciting to look at, but it's artistic style is still unique enough to be interesting.
The games graphics are 3D but very low polygon style visuals, but I think it still is pretty decent. Nothing too amazing, but good enough for a decent visual experience. Overall I'd say that Zombie Forest 3 is a pretty okay game in terms of survival games go. It's not hard and for the most part is very easy to pick up but I also felt like there wasn't much in terms of a challenge either.
At least not yet. The only thing I found challenging was finding enough metal bars to make bear traps, and now I need even more in order to build a stair case down to the next level below me. Other than that, the zombie killing isn't very dangerous and the food is relatively plentiful for HP regeneration so I'm not really feeling too much urgency in this survival game. Other than that though, it's been pretty enjoyable.
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