Destiny Saga Delivers A Fun Action RPG Experience...

Destiny Saga is a rouge like RPG that eliminates many p2w features we have seen in other similar games. The game is mostly solo story driven with no heavy PVP combat. The tavern is your main spot where you will be interacting with NPCs that give you quests to complete. You will then travel to different worlds/levels that have dungeon like layouts. The mini map shows off how the area works with each square representing a room. Most of the paths are pretty linear but occasionally there will be a different way to go that can lead you to hidden treasure. 
The combat is super fun and feels very fluid. The characters have a basic attack that when pressed multiple times with chain basic attacks together. They also have a special skill and ultimate skill as well. You can switch between characters in your party and doing so results in a combo attack. There is no auto combat or auto pathing. You have complete control over everything. The characters are all unique and have different styles of combat. The game features good RPG elements as well with a easy to understand gear system and leveling system.
Overall, Destiny Saga is a really nice game that I think many will enjoy. Its simple but action packed. Destroying enemies never gets boring, and there is many different heroes for you to play and try out. I say give it a try and see if you like it. Its definitely worth playing and I would call it a hidden gem.
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