My Aether Gazer Review (Re-written Ver.)

I finally reached administrator level 31 (Admin lvl = Our game account lvl), so it's time for a review! ✦.✦
First, let's start with the bad points of Aether Gazer and finish with the good points, shall we? Here we go!
👎🏻👎🏻 --THE BAD POINTS-- 👎🏻👎🏻
If you're like me and you like to reroll to get your favorite character right off the bat, then you'll be pretty disapointed coz it seems there's no easy way to reroll, even with an emulator. For me, that was a big let down.
The rates are also really low for S-Rank characters(1.5%), which makes getting the characters we want almost impossible... I guess F2P players will have to work pretty hard to get what they want. 😭
Luckily, I was able to obtain Asura with the 40 tickets we got at the beginning. She's not the character I was aiming for, but I'm actually pretty happy I got her. She can attack from a close distance as well as from afar. Another thing that's really neat about her is that one of her skills lets you freeze enemies in place, even bosses, for a few seconds. Thanks to that, I was able to reach chapter 7 in just a few hours! ✦.✦
When in battle, there's something like a second song that starts playing after a while, and that makes the battles not very enjoyable, especially when you have headphones on. This also happened twice in certain menus. (Seems like this was fixed)
Another thing I noticed is that the characters have no voices at the end of battles. You see their mouths moving, but that's it. I don't know if this is a bug or if it's intentional, but whatever the case is, it just looks weird. I hope the devs will fix/add the voices soon.(This was also fixed)
I noticed that obtaining stamina becomes a problem after reaching administrator rank 31. Our stamina refills VEEEERY slowly (1 point refilled every 6 mins) and on top of that, after chapter 4, it'll cost you 40 stamina instead of 30 to start a story stage. 😭
Luckily for us, there's some other, non-story stages we can tackle when we're out of stamina. ✦.✦
👍🏻👍🏻 --THE GOOD POINTS-- 👍🏻👍🏻
This game has been really generous so far. They gave us 40 gacha tickets (4 multi pulls) at the beginning with some gacha currency. There's lots of ways to get more gacha currency by the way!
There are tons of events to celebrate the release of the game, so make sure to log in every day and do as many things as you can!
Now that they fixed the battle song bug, I recommend using headphones when you play the game! The music is freakin' good! ✦.✦
Another thing I like about this game is how you can play with a controller or with a keyboard & mouse. I wanted to see if mapping the buttons was a pain to do (like with PGR's new PC client), but no, it wasn't! I re-mapped the buttons and everything works really well!
Just for fun, here's how I mapped the buttons on my controller:
Square = Basic Attack
Triangle = Skill 1
Circle = Party Leader Ult. Skill
Cross = Dodge
L1 = Skill 2
R1 = Skill 3
L2 = Ultimate attack of ally 1
R2 = Ultimate attack of ally 2
R3 = Lock-on
I often play "Warrior" games (Warriors Orochi, Hyrule Warriors, Fire Emblem Warriors, etc.)
That's why I like to set my buttons this way. 😁
Aether Gazer has a few bad points, but it has more good points, so for now, I'm gonna give this game a rating of 5★
Yaay! 😁😁🎉🎉
Oh yeah! One last thing. If you see me in-game, feel free to add me! My username is the same as the one I have here. You can also send me a friend request if you want! Here's my ID:
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how much internal memory you need for this game in current update?
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This game has become far too powerful for mere mortals like us! 😭😭
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great review, bro👍 same here, despite all the lacking, still gonna hang on for now..
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Glad to hear it! 😃 My review isnt as great as yours though! I find your review to be waaay better! I seriously need to rewrite mine. Hahaha
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