Get addicted on high scores, combo accumulation, and weapon switching | Review - Strike Buster

Strike Buster Prototype is a retro style arcade game featuring combo-based combat and twin-stick shooter controls.
+A good balance of retro aesthetic and modern look
+Amazing rhythmic beat sound effects for the weapons
+Weapon type system that encourages experimentation and constant switching
-No story
Playing Strike Buster Prototype, it definitely reminded me of the retro arcade space shoot ‘em ups I’ve played in my childhood during my PS1 days, such as Ray Crisis and Einhander. However, it blends retro aesthetics with modern gameplay elements such as a physics system and twin stick controls. The game is already available on PC and Switch, but I was able to try out the Android demo version of the game, bringing the arcade shooter into the mobile platform.
At first glance, Strike Buster Prototype captures the essence of classic arcade games, even going back further in time — way past my PS1 days — to the 80s with its vibrant pixel art and nostalgic sound effects. The visuals are a delightful throwback, bringing back memories of arcade cabinets, classic home consoles, and neon-lit gaming halls. However, the game quickly reveals its modern influences through its innovative mechanics and gameplay depth.
With its focus on high scores, combo accumulation, and weapon switching, this game offers an addictive but still challenging gameplay loop that will keep players coming back for more.
The combat system in Strike Buster Prototype centers around combo accumulation, making it a vital component of the gameplay. Players must string together successive kills to build and maintain their combo meter. As combos increase, so does the power of the player's weapon, creating a satisfying feedback loop that rewards precision, consistency, and skill. It's immensely gratifying to see your weapon grow stronger with each successful combo, allowing you to dispatch enemies with even greater efficiency.
The game's weapon type system further elevates the strategic depth. Each enemy — most of the time in groups — has a specific color-coded weakness to a particular weapon type, requiring players to constantly switch weapons in the heat of combat. This decision adds a layer of tactics and forces players to think on their feet, as they must quickly assess the enemy types they encounter and switch weapons accordingly.
Enemies come in many forms and go after you wave after wave. There is a timer that, when it ends, a boss will arrive and a fight will ensue. These bosses are filled with random affinities that affect their characteristics and abilities, and they constantly change armor types, forcing players to switch weapons. Overall, they are still fairly challenging in my experience.
The weapon type system encourages experimentation and adaptability, ensuring that all weapons must be used across the board, regardless of the player preference. It adds a welcome layer of variety and replayability to the game, keeping players engaged and on their toes. In addition, weapons overheat, so you must carefully balance combo, weapons switching, and use to be at your most effective.
Much like the classic arcade games it pays homage to, this title doesn't pull any punches. It challenges players to master its mechanics, learn enemy patterns, and hone their reflexes. Every encounter feels like a nail-biting test of skill, especially with the physics settings in effect when colliding and bouncing around enemies, making victory all the more rewarding. While it may frustrate some players initially, those who persevere will find a deeply satisfying sense of accomplishment as they improve and climb up the high scores.
In terms of presentation, Strike Buster Prototype nails a good balance of retro aesthetic and modern look. The pixel art is vibrant and detailed, evoking a sense of nostalgia, however not everything is retro-looking. Special effects are more sleek and clean looking, while the UI and Menus are also in much higher fidelity. The soundtrack complements the gameplay perfectly, capturing the energetic and adrenaline-fueled spirit of classic arcade shooters. The sound effects of the weapons and enemies dying, are insanely good, they even have their own musical beat going on that compliments that background music perfectly like a rhythm-based game.
Strike Buster Prototype successfully combines the best elements of retro arcade shooters with modern gameplay innovations. Its focus on combo accumulation, unique weapon types, and high scores provides a challenging and addictive gameplay experience. However, don’t expect a full-on game featuring a story or a campaign mode.
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