Mah Snowbreak review (re-written ver.)

I was lucky enough to get an invitation email to try the CBT of this awesome-looking game, so here's my review!
Let's get over the bad points quickly so we can talk about the good points, alright?
Let's start with the thing that bothers me the most: The gacha. The rates are horrendous! 0.70% chances to get a character of the highest rarity... Dah F is this!? 🤬🤬
If they don't want us to get those characters, then they shouldn't put them in the game to begin with! Come on!! 😮‍💨
I also noticed that Snowbreak has a few weird problems. Sometimes, enemies will go through objects found on the battlefield. Sometimes they'll attack you from the other side of those objects, as if they didn't exist, but when you try shooting them from your side, your bullets won't go through said objects.
It isn't fair that enemies can use a "shoot through walls" code but not us.... (<- This is a joke btw. Enemies are AI controlled, so there's no such code)
Another thing I noticed is that, sometimes, my character will auto aim at an enemy, and sometimes she won't. I don't know if this is intentional or if there's something I have to do to trigger it...
This isn't actually a "bad point", since this is just my opinion, but so far, this game doesn't have any characters that interest me appearance-wise. The characters look very... bland. Again, this is just my opinion. If you like the characters in this game, then that's great! ✦.✦
Aaaand.... That's all that comes to mind at the moment for the bad points. If I think of/find more bad points, I'll add them here.
Now for the good points! This game has great graphics, great music and a really fun gameplay! I usually sock at shooter games, but I'm having a blast playing Snowbreak!
Note that, since this is a CBT, I won't comment on the story or anything related to it.
One thing I really like about this game is that our characters seem to have infinite ammo. You just have to reload your gun from time to time. I know some people won't like this, but for me, it makes the game a bit easier. The main reason why I sock at shooter games is because I always have a hard time hitting my targets. Even when they're right in front of me, I somehow manage to miss them, and eventually, I run out of ammo. 😭
When I started playing this game, I was certain that the rarity of a character's gun was the thing that determined a character's rarity as well as their strength, but I was totally wrong! Guns of several rarities can be obtained from the gacha. You can even customize your gun with different parts! This is pretty neat! ✦.✦
This point is something that will interest a lot of people, so read it well! Snowbreak supports several languages. For the text, you can choose from 1... 2... 3... 4...... 10 languages! 😱
There's not a lot of mobile games out there that support this many languages! Here's a screenshot that shows all 10 languages:
For the voices, we have the 3 usual languages:
That's all the good points I can think of at the moment. There are more, so I'll write them as soon as I remember them.
For now, I'll give this game a 5★ rating!
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that's deep, bro.. thx😄👍 I'm really gonna play it once it is released.. 😄 ... and yaaayyy.. bahasa Indonesia is on the list of languages bro.. that's a good sign for me.. 🤟😆
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No problem! 😁 I hope you will! Or give it a try at least. For me, Im definitely gonna play it when it comes out. Though Im pretty sure itll probably take me a few weeks to a few months to be able to play without wasting too many bullets! 😆 Thats great! ✦.✦ Bahasa Indonesia and the last one... Thai, Im guessing? Are rarely available in games. Thats a sign to tell you that you should play the game. But jokes aside, I already pre-registered for Snowbreak in the playstore a week or 2 ago, which means the official game should be out soon. If we're lucky, it might become available at the beginning of next month! ✦.✦
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