Street Fighter 6 (First Impressions)

Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Released: June 2th, 2023
Price: $60 USD
Between the other fighting games currently on the market, such as Guilty Gear, Street Fighter is a name that I personally haven't heard of in a long time with video games. This is the first of the series that I've played in over two decades.
I've never been a big lover of fighting games, the reality is back in the 1990s, I would frequently reach across and knock the controller out of my opponents hand to give myself an advantage because I was a lousy competitive player.
I was a big fan of Soul Caliber II for the Gamecube mostly due to the fact that it included Link, who we can agree was a pretty iconic Nintendo character. But I never could get into the franchise outside of original. It's amazing to think about how far it has progressed from Ryu destroying a pixelated car to a semi-truck.
Character Creation (World Tour)
I haven't seen a video game go to such efforts to provide so much creative flexibility with character creation in a long time. You can create pretty much anything in this game, absolutely anything you might think of might be made.
You can also simply just say screw it and go completely insane, creating the most horrific creature imaginable. This makes for some pretty absurd gameplay.
Whether it's the cutscene animations, the flair of the moves, or simply the music that underlines everything, it all feels natural and smooth.
While I have yet to create an account in order to participate in online play, I anticipate spending more time with the World Tour mode and Story mode for each of the characters. Because this is a fighting game, I don't see myself spending a lot of time competing against stronger players so PvE is good enough for me.
It's wonderful that they opted to be a little more open minded with their series over the years, rather than just strictly PvP and Arcade co-op gaming.
There is only one
When you try to play Arcade mode or even Story mode, it appears like the characters have a hard time loading in, and it takes a few seconds for them to switch and appear on the screen I find this very irritating, though manageable.
I hope to see a future patch that will remedy this, as it ruins the smoothness.
I'm not a great fighter
I'm a bit of a button masher. I'm used to the traditional controls. It's difficult for me to prefer more modern controls over classics, while simultaneously believing that classic controls are a touch too old for today's generation.
It's fantastic to see that there are three different types of controls. Classic, modern, and a hybrid of the two. Overall, I perform better using the original controls, but I still stink. The game is fast-paced and enjoyable if you enjoy fighting games. I'm really enjoying the PvE world tour and intend to play it more, but I'll eventually sign up and battle a few buddies online to see how it compares now that I don't have the option of knocking the controller out of their hands.
My initial thoughts on this game come to a close with the caveat that, while others may disagree, that is what makes gamers unique. You don't have to share their interests or agree with them and are welcome to critic me on mine.
If you want to catch me on one of my streams or locate me on social media, you may do so at the following locations, I'm always playing something new.
- Pawkt
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