I See You - A Quick Game Review!

I See You is a new adventure RPG action mobile game with rich story content. Honestly, I right away loved this game from the very start due to its good story line plot and simplistic gameplay controls but superb gameplay experience in a very unique way. You will be playing as a blind man in this game and you will have to perceive this game as a blind man in this black and white world. I was quite happy to see lots of mini games and puzzles to solve in this game to keep progressing through the story content. But the game crashes are quite frequent in this game while trying to interact with certain objects. These crashes are definitely quite frustrating and gotta be fixed asap!
Looking into the gameplay, this game features action adventure RPG gameplay style where you are a blind man trying to find his girlfriend Liz. As a blind man, the world is portrayed in black and white and you need to explore the world like a blind man who only know was is there in the nearest area around him and everything else is dark and unknown. And I felt that this game has been designed to give a great unique gameplay experience in these conditions, where you have to interact with every possible items and objects to solve puzzles and keep moving forward in the game. I was quite shocked to find out that my character can actually use gun as well. The character also carries a huge bag that can store lots of items.
What really caught my attention is the rich story plot of this game. A blind man who has been gifted with a caring girlfriend who loves him with all her heart. And suddenly, he can't find her anywhere. The mystery surrounds him and he is up to the quest to find his girlfriend at any cost!
In the game, I really enjoyed the sound type pathfinding feature. Its quite realistic as our blind guy needs to rely on the sound source to find the location around the area. I found it to be quite unique and helpful at the same time in the dark world of our character.
Looking further into the story content, I found the story to be quite thrilling type which escalates the story content to a next level. We can even interact with other NPC characters in this game who give more hint to the situation but in a bit mysterious ways.
I was quite surprised to see that my character can use gun in this game. As the game progresses, you will have to protect yourself from the enemies or be out there for the kill. Thanks to the gun, this game has the action features to it as well, with some blood!
But what is really killing this game right now is the bugs thats making this game to crash frequently. Interacting with most of the objects in the game induce the crash in this game. With crashes, I think that no player would like to enjoy this game any further at all. The gameplay is definitely quite fun and exciting but the bugs are just too severe!
All said, this game is definitely worth trying out but the bugs need to be fixed asap. The graphics and audio are not that superb but quite good enough for the black and white and silent world of our character. The story is pretty awesome and the gameplay closely follows the storyline progression. I definitely suggest you to try this game out as this game is quite unique and has lots of items and NPC characters to interact with!
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Paulius Burokas
Paulius Burokas
w13aOooQ please enter this code in the event you will help a lot. Thank you.
thank you bro
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