MARVEL SNAP is coming up with a new competitive mode, Conquest

Conquer the Game with Conquest: A New Way
to Play and Win!
Get ready to embark on a thrilling
adventure with the all-new Conquest! This exciting mode brings a fresh twist to
the game, challenging players to climb the ranks, earn medals, and ultimately
unlock exclusive rewards. We're here to guide you through this action-packed
mode, breaking down everything you need to know to conquer each tier and claim
your victory!
Overview of Conquest
Conquest is an adrenaline-pumping journey
where players enter a series of competitive runs, each with increasing
difficulty. Your objective? Rack up consecutive wins against other players and
advance through the tiers: Proving Grounds, Silver, Gold, and the ultimate
challenge, Infinity. With each victory, you'll earn medals and secure your spot
in the next Conquest. And as you progress, the rewards only get better!
Conquest Tiers
Each Conquest tier presents a unique
challenge that will put your skills to the test. As you climb the ranks, the
difficulty increases, but so do the rewards! Here's a full breakdown of each
The Ultimate Challenge: Infinity Conquest
Unlike the other tiers (which are always
available), you can only play the Infinity Conquest during the final week of
the season. Save up those Infinity Tickets, and get ready for a wild week of
competition. Win, and you'll be awarded an Infinity-Framed copy of your current
Avatar – the ultimate symbol of your triumph. This exclusive reward can only
be obtained by conquering the Infinity Conquest.
The Medal Shop: Your Reward Headquarters
The Medal Shop is your one-stop destination
for turning hard-earned medals into fantastic rewards. Offering new items each
week, the shop provides a selection of rewards for you to enjoy. Most items can
only be purchased once. Rack up enough purchases, and you'll unlock a bonus
reward for the season. And with each new season comes a fresh, new Medal Shop.
Spider-Versus Medal Shop
Each week, the next row of items will
unlock. Most items can only be purchased once.
Spider-Versus Bonus Reward
Each season has a unique reward that is
earned by making enough Medal Shop purchases.
Battle Mode: The Most-High Skill Way to
Conquest uses Battle Mode as its
format. Battle Mode is different from regular MARVEL SNAP. Battle Mode pits two
opponents against each other through multiple rounds. Each player starts with
10 health. Instead of Cubes, what’s at stake is the amount of damage the winner
will deal to the loser. If you can deplete your opponent’s health to zero, you
win! In Battle Mode, the stakes become front and center. Every SNAP and Retreat
takes extra meaning, as every point of health is critical to remaining alive.
Further, each player’s deck is locked for
the duration of the Battle. This means you’ll quickly learn what cards are in
their deck, and your opponent might be aware of what sneaky tricks you’re
hiding. Keeping track of what cards in your deck haven’t been seen by your
opponent can make all the difference in whether you can squeeze out an extra
Do You Have What It Takes?
Conquest offers an exhilarating new way to
play, filled with thrilling challenges, enticing rewards, and new strategy. Are
you ready to conquer the tiers and claim your place among the champions? Dive
into Conquest today and begin your journey to the top!
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MP443 G
MP443 G
how do you play conquest?
can't wait to come back and challenge the others!
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