- expansive story with varying degrees of depth depending on your commitment
- fluid combat
- huge open world to explore offering beautiful landscapes
- cute character designs
- well designed soundtracks to go along your journey
- bloated, unskippable dialogues everywhere
- virtually no endgame
- predatory gacha system, insane power creep
- repetitive character strength progression via randomized stat drops on artifacts and upgrading of such
- complete lack of quality of life
- lack of communication between playerbase and developers
- weird 3d cut scenes that absolutely kill immersion
genshins strongest selling point is undoubtedly it's story and characters, incentivizing entire communities to form around speculating and theorizing about future developments. the combat is decently well paced and straight forward but sometimes very lacking. exploring is fun and feels rewarding. grinding for better gear is repetitive and unrewarding so minmaxxers will not enjoy getting the best builds for their characters.
verdict: genshin offers an interesting story, fun combat and a mountain of exploration but unfortunately fails in departments that improve the general quality of life.
Mentioned games
Sky Reaper
Sky Reaper
Well said! Hope the devs listen to us players but that's a wishful thinking lmao
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