Metria Lacks Originality...

Metria is currently in its second Alpha phase. The game needs a lot of work in its current state just to be what I would consider playable. More importantly though the game lacks serious originality. Many comparing it to be a copycat of Genshin Impact. I would say that is embarrassing to even compare it to Genshin. The game lacks lots of features and doesn't bring anything new to the table. The gameplay is just you exploring a semi-open world... I say that because many places are cut off and you can't really explore everything you can see. The combat system isn't too bad.
Each hero has a basic attack along with 2 special skills and 1 EX ultimate skill. The characters themselves look nice and different from each other. Graphically the game is fine, but the audio is horrible. No voice acting for characters and often no background music. Most of the time I was left playing in silence with just sound effects. Certain areas would have background music but most did not. The animations for the heroes when they attack look great and flashy. 
The game has potential to be decent if the problems and stuttering FPS is improved. But even then, the game doesn't seem to offer anything different from it's competition. There isn't anything in this game that makes it unique to others. The alpha test is from June 13th to June 20th. Give it a try for yourself and see what you think.
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