This is a great game it defines survival at its finest but the  only 2 problems I have with it is the PvP aspect and the fact you lose all your progress in 7 days which is equivalent to 1 session.These session are all fun until a player at a higher level then you kills you,takes everything you worked hard to get for the past 3 to 5 hours, then you proceed to start over again only to see you dont have enough time.Yes this is one of the aspects that give this type of game a purpose, but think for a second,Whether you grind all night long,get killed/raided or dont play at all,all your progress would've been for nothing in 7 days,and thats if your not occupied for the week (which you are and always will be).This game could be for everybody but it isn't,It takes hours to grind which is pointless since you'll start over(By start over I mean EVERYTHING you've even unlocked is locked again),You won't get anywhere playing alone ( Unless you have no life and have an entire day to yourself grinding non stop just to build a proper house.)Unlocking everything in this game in 7days is IMPOSSIBLE (again IF you have a life).The funny thing is that's not the worst part! The worst part is being stalked by a level 50 player that would watch you do the hard long work just to rob you of your progress,by killing you with a fully custom bolt action sniper rifle he took 4days non stop to get because he has no life , whilst  whilst All you had was a broken bow and responsibilities to tend to because you can't play for 10 hours.The irony is we all still suffer in the (in 7 days) since everything starts over again. Whether your the try hard with no life making other people's gaming experience hell when they just arrived, or the newbie that likes the game but can't play for so unreasonably long and can't keep up with the lvl 50 try hards that keep robbing you of your progress to their level, you lose everything and start over like you never even did anything.Die enough times they even make you wait just to respawn🥲(12min or so).This game could really be something special it has so many amazing features and attributes about it that reminds you why you can't give it a 1 star but to what degree ?
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yeah i feel the same too pvp....,,,everything drop boring
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