Best-in-class destructible environments? Count me in! | Playtest now live! - THE FINALS

THE FINALS is a tournament-based game with elimination in an arena setting and looks as if Battlefield, with its amazing graphics, lighting, sound design, and destructible environments, had a baby with Overwatch's teammate-based combat and flashy abilities. This isn't a surprise, as the developer, Embark Studios, was founded by former DICE developers, the creators of the Battlefield games. A closed beta has gone live now on Steam, and players can try and request access.
Stand-out features:
+Best-in-class destructible environments that affect the gameplay
+High-quality graphics
+Great sound design with the weapons
Other details about the game: +three classes to play with own abilities and weapons
+3 players per team
+bracket tournament game mode with two 3v3v3v3 matches culminating in a 3v3 'THE FINALS' match
The destruction in the game looks amazing, and it's not just for looks; you can also use it to your advantage. If someone is hiding below, blow up the floor above them. If someone is on the other side of the wall, create an opening by blowing it up. If there's no cover, blow something up and use the rubble as cover. The destruction is physics-based too, so you don't just blow stuff up by damaging it enough times; you must target critical points if you want to bring down a building quickly and efficiently. So far, weapons, bombs, and abilities can destroy almost everything, which is probably the best destruction I've seen in years, especially after the Battlefield series somewhat downplayed their importance from Bad Company to the more recent games.
Release Date: TBA 2023, for PC, Xbox, PlayStation
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