📕Hypermon-Evolution FAQs🖊

Q: What should I buy in the item shops❓
<A: It is advisable to purchase all the character tokens from the shops as collecting 16 tokens will unlock 3 skill slots. furthermore, events will occasionally contain character tokens as rewards. Each token gives permanent team wide stat boosts.>
Q: Should I purchase master balls or great balls in the shop❓
<A: It is not advisable as they can be received as rewards by completing
achievements, which will be unlocked at level 50>
Q: How should I spend union coins❓
<A: After purchasing the Flannery token, it is advisable to spend the tokens in the union training center unless 1 of the Pokémon is in your main team.>
Q: How should I utilize the Union wishing centre❓
<A: Hard to obtain Pokémon like Zoroark should not be used as your wish Pokémon. It is recommended that you wish for easily obtainable Pokemon to maximize this feature. When gifting shards A Pokémon are worth 20 points and S are worth 30 points towards your point chest.>
Q: What do dittos do❓
<A: They replace Pokémon during the star up process. For example, instead of using 2 Charmanders to star up your charizard, you can use 2 A Ditto>
Q: Should I use breakthrough material packs❓
<A: You will see more benefit from these packs if you are able to save them until you are level XX when you require legendary gems to breakthrough your Pokémon. The cost of breakthrough increases significantly as you progress through the game.
Q: Where do I enter gift codes❓
<A: Press settings at the bottom left of the screen, to the right of the mail. Then press on gift code>
Q: How do I change teams in adventure road❓
<A: If you are unable to change your team in adventure road, make sure you do not have "skip array" selected on your level selection screen.>
Q: To obtain bond bonuses, do I need to use all those Pokémon in the same team❓
<A: No. You just need to unlock those Pokémon in the Pokedex to complete the bond and obtain the bonus.>
Q: There are 2 Pokémon featured in the Red Draw, which one will I get❓
<A: You can select which one you want when you summon an S+ Pokémon>
Q: How do I obtain Pokémon in this game❓
<A: The main way to obtain Pokemon is to summon for them. You can summon Pokemon by pressing on "Draw" which is near the bottom left, between the Shop and Pokédex. Alternatively, you can also obtain Pokémon by collecting shards. These shards can be found in hard mode maps as well as in the shop and in the Level feature using the Pokémon ball in the top right corner.>
Content creator: Skara Troll(Moderator Team from our Discord Server)
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I should join the discord for the ash pikachu
omg, I am in need of this soooo much!!!!!
got it and sincerely thx
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