So, gotta say that this is pretty good. It's your standard turn-based tactical RPG akin to Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy Tactics, however it's pretty simplified. Not a bad thing, but if you're looking for a super robust combat system, you'd be better off with a different title.
Where the combat lacks, the other mechanics shine and make the core gameplay slightly more interesting. Each campaign takes place on a dungeon map that has new landmarks appear as you progress. You can go about the map in any order, however combat sections must be done if you want to progress further down that line. As you collect relics and level up your fighters, you'll be able to choose different skills for them to take. There will be three to choose from, and they can range from increasing your attack range by 1 tile, or giving your attacks a chance to heal you for a percentage of the damage they do.
Currently, there are three campaigns to choose from. I didn't really see a difference between the difficulty ratings that each campaign claimed to have, so don't be turned away from a certain group just because of their difficulty rating. Basically, it boils down to which group of monster girls you want to fight for you.
The graphics and character design are fine. I have no real complaints or compliments. Their animation is fluid and nothing seems too wonky.
The camera and controls are great. I never had an issue with a misclick and it just overall felt good to control.
My only nitpicks are that the sound mixing is a little off in places, and the text has weird formatting issues and isn't translated properly in places.
I'm a little burnt out on these Tactical RPGs, so I probably won't be playing this on release. However, this a pretty solid title and if this genre is your jam, then give it a shot.
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