This game is Fast Action With An Endless Combat Style...

Phantom Blade Executioners enters its final beta test June 26th. This game has huge potential to be great. You can also get some bonuses for playing the beta. The game has an amazing combat system that will keep you entertained and engaged the whole time. There is so traditional auto combat so you will be doing pretty much all the moves. The auto combat that it does has simply just means when you activate a skill it will go through the whole chain skill effect instead of you having to tap the skill over and over. All of the skills can be chained and put into endless combos. You can also change the order of the skills in the chain.
Graphics wise the game looks great and has its own unique art style to it. The environmental effects and background images all add a nice touch to the atmospheric feel to the world. The audio is good but the big stand out is the voice acting. The voice for the characters is done extremely well and feels authentic. The voices you hear never sound fake or like they are just reading from a script. The animations are very flashy and eye catching. At times though it can be a bit too much for your eyes to handle.
The game also has a very rich story, with each main character having their own purpose and will to fight. Overall, I highly recommend You check this game out and give it a try. It has very much to offer and won't disappoint. I am excited to see what the future holds for this game. After a few minor improvements I see this easily being a 9/10
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