I See You: personal review

I've never seen mechanics like this in a game and I found it very interesting to try and play. Simply put your character is blind and to find items you have to stay very close to them, while for the sounds you have to try to understand where they come from to arrive there and our goal is to find our wife after a business trip and then find out she's gone. The difficulty in understanding what happened is based on the fact that we are blind.
The graphics are very minimalist but for my personal taste I would improve it slightly even if it is quite enjoyable as it is.
The only problem I encountered was that I couldn't save my game because the settings don't exist. Is there only one word "Chinese?" that not knowing what it means I have it clicked and it took me to the initial menu without having saved (pressing continue nothing happens).
For the rest of the game I recommend try it. (sorry for english I'm not that good)
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